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为保证有水利地区的及时春耕播种,奠定增浇增产与防止水害基础,特对春季水利工作指示如下:一、春季水利工作的特点(一)我省十年九旱,特别春季雨量尤少,在常年平均降雨量四三三公厘的情况下春季仅为六一公厘,占全年降雨量七分之一强,且分布地区极不平衡,因此,必须克服群众以至部份干部中的「今年春雪多,春旱没关系」的侥幸心理,大力开展全面春浇。(二)必须适当解决春工与春耕的矛盾问题,各级领导必须引起重视,加强二者的密切结合,不能挤掉任何一面。(三)各级水利干部对深入了解情况,详细勘查研究、精确计算经济效益以至具体组织与发挥人物力等新工作作风还很差,因之,各级领导必须引起十分重视,对当前春浇领导,特别是对重点工程的掌握,必须抽出一定时间,展开讨论,确定计划步骤,加强具体领导检查。 In order to ensure that the water conservancy areas in a timely manner spring planting, lay the foundation for increasing production and preventing water damage, especially for spring water conservancy work instructions are as follows: First, the characteristics of spring water conservancy work (a) nine years of drought in our province, especially rarely rainfall in spring, In the case of 433 millimeters of annual average rainfall of only 61 mm in spring, accounting for more than one-seventh of the rainfall in the whole year and the distribution is extremely uneven. Therefore, we must overcome the problem among the people as well as some cadres Spring snow this year, spring drought does not matter "chance, vigorously carry out a full spring pouring. (2) The contradictions between spring laboring and spring plowing must be properly resolved. Leaders at all levels must pay attention to them and strengthen the close combination of the two so that they can not be squeezed away from one another. (3) The new work style of the water conservancy cadres at all levels who have in-depth understanding of the situation, detailed exploration and study, precise calculation of economic benefits and even concrete organization and exertions of human and material resources is still very poor. Therefore, leaders at all levels must pay great attention to the current spring pouring Leadership, especially for mastering key projects, must take some time to start discussions, plan the steps and strengthen specific leadership checks.