Lane of parallel through carry in ternary optical adder

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xp1308729
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At the present 50 to 100 microseconds are necessary for a liquid crystal to change its state from opacity to clarity; 1.14×10-5 microseconds are however proved to be enough for light to pass through a clarity liquid crystal device. Rooted from this great difference in time, an optical adder was constructed with parallel through carry lanes (PTCL) composed of liquid crystals. Because all carries in PTCL process in parallel, the carry delay in the ternary optical computer’s adder is avoided. Eliminating the carry delay in adder of ternary optical computer by physical means, the PTCL is also applicable for other types of optical adders. Moreover a light diagram of the adder and one PTCL structure are provided. At the present 50 to 100 microseconds are necessary for a liquid crystal to change its state from opacity to clarity; 1.14 × 10-5 microseconds are yet to for enough to light to pass through a clarity liquid crystal device. Rooted from this great difference in time, an optical adder was constructed with parallel through carry lanes (PTCL) composed of liquid crystals. Because all carries in PTCL process in parallel, the carry delay in the ternary optical computer’s adder is avoided. optical computer by physical means, the PTCL is also applicable for other types of optical adders. Moreover, a light diagram of the adder and one PTCL structure is provided.
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