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[目的]为研究亚热带森林对冰冻灾害的抵御能力、监测灾后云贵山茉莉种群的恢复和演替提供理论依据。[方法]从种群生态学角度评估了2008年初的冰冻灾害对大明山中山区常绿阔叶林优势树种云贵山茉莉种群的影响。[结果]样地内胸径≥1 cm的云贵山茉莉植株共1 090株,其中697株受灾,占总株数的63.9%;受灾植株中以冠损的数量最多,占37.6%,被压弯株数次之,占13.0%,折干占10.2%,掘根的个体数最少,仅占3.1%。统计检验结果显示,林木受灾类型和程度存在显著的径级、树高级、冠幅和尖削度差异;冠损率和受灾率随着林木胸径的增大而增大,压弯率则随胸径的增大而减小;受灾率、压弯率和折干率随着高度级的增加而缓慢下降,冠损率则表现为正态分布;林木冠幅级越高受灾率和冠损率越高,折干率随着冠幅级的增大而减少;尖削度大的植株更易发生冠损、压弯、折干和掘根。[结论]云贵山茉莉种群对冰冻灾害的抵御能力受到多种因素如胸径、树高、冠幅、尖削度等的影响。在这些因素的作用下,大明山云贵山茉莉种群表现出以机械损害为主的各种受灾类型,直接被冻死的植株极少。 [Objective] The research aimed to provide theoretical basis for studying the resilience of subtropical forests to freezing hazards and monitoring the recovery and succession of jasmine populations in Yunnan and Guizhou Provinces after the disaster. [Method] From the perspective of population ecology, the impact of icy disaster in early 2008 on the jasmine population of Yungushan Mountain, a dominant tree species in the evergreen broad-leaved forest in the middle reaches of the Daming Mountain, was evaluated. [Result] A total of 1 090 strains of jasmine were collected from Yun Guishan Mountain with a diameter of more than 1 cm on the plot, of which 697 were affected, accounting for 63.9% of the total. The highest number of crown damage was found in the affected plants, accounting for 37.6% Of the total, accounting for 13.0%, accounting for 10.2%, accounting for only 3.1%. The results of statistical test showed that there were significant differences in the types and the degree of forest damage, including the diameter, the tree height, the crown width and the sharpness. The crown damage rate and disaster rate increased with the increase of DBH, The damage rate, the bending rate and the drying rate gradually decreased with the increase of the altitude, and the crown loss showed a normal distribution. The higher the crown width was, High, dry rate decreases with the increase of crown width; sharp taper of the plant more prone to coronary lesions, bending, drying and digging. [Conclusion] The resistance of the jasmine population in Yun-Gui Mountain to freezing disaster was influenced by many factors, such as the diameter at breast height, tree height, crown width and taper. Under the influence of these factors, the population of jasmine in Yun-Gui Mountain in the Daming Mountain shows various types of damage mainly caused by mechanical damage, and few plants are directly frozen to death.
6月24日,农民日报社、央视七套记者到长沙成农饲料有限公司和湖南百宜饲料科技有限公司, 就饲料行政审批制度改革和饲料质量安全管理规范的实施进行了采访.
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对溴阻燃剂对人类健康状况的影响进行了综述,并为我国阻燃剂的发展方向提出了新的见解。 The impact of brominated flame retardants on human health status is reviewed,
将并矢控制和鲁棒控制理论相结合,提出了一种新的单元机组负荷协调系统的控制方案,给出了一种通用的鲁棒控制器加权函数的设计程序。该方法合理利用参数互作用的影响,充分地利用了锅炉蓄能,同时减小了不确定因素对系统的影响。将提出的方法应用于一台330 MW汽包锅炉单元机组协调系统进行仿真研究,结果表明了该方法的有效性,具有较强的鲁棒性和抗干扰能力,并且易于调整和实现,有很强的工程实用价值。