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红衣、红披巾、红帽,步履轻盈,谈吐从容淡定。这是著名粤剧表演艺术家红线女的亮色“招牌”。红线女每次登台演出,台下总引起一阵哄动:“响遏行云的‘红腔’,依然清丽、高亢,中气那么足,哪像是年过古稀的老人啊!”“眉梢眼角,举手投足,显得那么年青、活跃,莫非做了‘拉脸皮’的整容手术?”……我向红线女复述台下人语。红线女笑道:“感谢观众对我的垂注、赞赏。其实,我从没动过整容念头,身体发肤,受之父母,我岂敢毁伤。我犯不着改变自己本来面目,我就是我嘛。”谈起如何养生、永葆青春,红线女说从没有着意去研究、总结。她认为,至关紧要的是要时刻保持乐观、豁达,天塌下来当被子盖,不论身处顺境、逆境,都要泰然 Red, red shawl, Red Riding Hood, walking light, calm and calm conversation. This is a famous Cantonese opera artist red line bright colors “signs ”. The red line of women each stage performance, the audience always cause a burst of coax: “The” red chamber of the cloud “is still elegant, high-pitched, so full of gas, which seems to be the age-old elderly ah! Eyebrows eyebrows, gestures, seemed so young, active, is it done ’pull the skin’ cosmetic surgery? ”“ ... ... I repeat to the Red Line female under the table language. Red line female laughed: ”I thank the audience for my note, appreciation .In fact, I have never touched the idea of ​​cosmetic surgery, body skin, by the parents, I dare to damage .I can not change their true colors, I am me . "Talking about how to maintain health, keep youth forever, red line women never intended to study and conclude. She believes that it is crucial to be optimistic, open-minded and fall from the sky when the quilt covers. No matter in good times or bad times, you must be calm
维生素 D 缺乏性佝偻病是婴儿最常见的营养缺乏性疾病,在年长儿中的患病率也较高,有的因症状不典型而贻误治疗。而膝关节及下肢疼痛(腿疼)作为儿童生长发育中的一个常见症状
Four new diterpenoids, baiyecrystals A-C and epi-baiyecrystal C, were isolated from I.leucophylla. Their structures were determined by means of spectral methods
点击http:/www.asiainfo.com.cn,进入亚信科技(中国)有限公司的首页,一个标题赫然入眼:亚信——中国INTERNET的建筑师。 亚信这样的自我标榜源于以下事实:1993年,亚信创建于
Aim:To investigate the outcomes for Asian populations with locally advanced/clinical stage Ⅲ prostate cancer(PCa)treated with currently prevailing modalities.