
来源 :汽车与配件 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanxming
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美制轿车在台销路极好,1991年进口了价值6亿美元的新车,比进口居于第二位的德国多销了2.2亿美元。自1986年以来,美国通用公司在台的总销量为10万多辆,仅1990年就进口2万辆,可是1991年却剧降了47%,只进口了1.2万辆,原因在于丰田公司通过美国肯塔基州植厂向台输出了1.9万辆轿车(法律规定禁止在台销售以日本本土上生产的轿车),其中大多数为新推出的Camry轿车,该车1991年成了台湾热销车,丰田公司由此一跃而成为台湾第一大汽车进口商,而“通用”屈居第二。为了巩固在台市场份额,防止销量下滑,“通用”的具体措施是与台湾中华汽车公司合资成立组装Opel部的Astras轿车的总装厂,到1993年 The sales of American cars in Taiwan were very good. In 1991, they imported new cars valued at 600 million U.S. dollars and sold more than 220 million U.S. dollars more than the second-placed Germany. Since 1986, General Motors has sold more than 100,000 vehicles in Taiwan and imported 20,000 vehicles in 1990 alone, but plunged 47% in 1991 to only 12,000 vehicles because Toyota passed The U.S. plant in Kentucky exported 19,000 cars to Taiwan, most notably the newly launched Camry sedan, which became the hottest car in Taiwan in 1991 and Toyota As a result, the company jumped to become Taiwan’s No. 1 car importer, while GM took the second place. In order to consolidate its market share in Taiwan and prevent a decline in sales volume, General Motors’ specific measures were to set up a joint venture with Taiwan’s Chung Hwa Motor Corporation to set up the assembly shop of the Astras sedans to assemble the Opel department until 1993
金额单位:万元神龙富康轿车长安奥拓北京切诺基轿车天津夏利TJ7ioo/U微型轿车长安SCIOI。徽型载货车/厢式车 8 .2/l日.1 8。4/5 .532.019。0 8 .2/19.( 9 .6┌───────
(http:/ / www.chinainfo.gov.cn/ periodical)万方数据科技期刊群网址中的本刊主页 (http: / / www.chinainfo.gov.cn/periodical) Wanfang Data Science and Technology J
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