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目前全国已有247个县、市达到基本消灭血吸虫病的要求,其中56个县、市已符合消灭血吸虫病的标准;全国消灭了120多亿m~2面积的钉螺,治愈了近1000万病人。现将近两年来我国血吸虫病防治科研工作的主要进展情况概述如下: 一、血吸虫病的预防各地的实践证明中共中央防治血吸虫病领导小组提出的“积极防治,综合措施,发动群众和科学技术相结合,防治工作和发展农业生产、兴修水利相结合,以及反复斗争”的方针是正确的。近两年来,湘、鄂、赣、皖四省江湖洲滩血吸虫病流行地区,在上述方针指导下,针对那里水位不能控制、地形复杂、人群和牲畜经常接触感染、每年发生急性血吸虫病等具体情况,制定了以消灭传染源及处理易感地带钉螺为重点 At present, 247 counties and cities across the country have basically met the requirements of eradicating schistosomiasis, of which 56 counties and cities have met the standard of eliminating schistosomiasis; more than 12 billion m 2 snails have been eliminated in the country and nearly 10 million patients have been cured . Now the past two years, the main progress of the prevention and treatment of schistosomiasis research work in China is summarized as follows: First, the prevention of schistosomiasis around the practice that the leading group for prevention and treatment of schistosomiasis “active prevention and control, comprehensive measures to mobilize the masses and the combination of science and technology , Prevention and control of work and development of agricultural production, construction of water conservancy, and repeated fighting ”is correct. In the past two years, the endemic areas of rivers, lakes, rivers and lakes in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui provinces, under the guidance of the above-mentioned guidelines, are aimed at specific areas where the water level can not be controlled, terrain is complicated, people and livestock frequently get infected, and acute schistosomiasis occurs each year The situation, developed to eliminate the source of infection and deal with predatory snails focus
杀虫畏“gardona”[2-chloro-1-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl)vinyl dimethyl phosphate]是一种对温血动物毒性较低的有机磷杀虫剂,其毒性作用带较宽。用于控制各种作物例如: Ch
夏季是肠道传染病的多发 季节。如不注意饮食卫生,就容易得肠道传染病,如急性胃肠炎、痢疾、伤寒、霍乱、病毒性肝炎及细菌性食物中毒。要预防肠道 Summer is the season o
市场逐步确立上行趋势,各大机构近期纷纷加仓,看多阵营渐成主力。资产配置方面,倾向于金融、交运等估值较低的板块,依然看好看好新兴产业和内需消费。 The market has gradu
方法1 左右摆头。端坐椅子上,头向左摆动,再向右摆动,做20余次。开始要轻摆,然后分别向左侧和右侧猛摆几下。 Method 1 left and right head. Sitting on a chair, head to
【摘要】在文言文教学时,着重引导学生进行多样化的朗读教学,从通读、自由朗读、指名朗读、范读、分角色朗读、精读、译读、背读、集体朗读等九个方面入手进行教学尝试,就能激发学生学习文言文的兴趣。  【关键词】朗读教学;文言文教学;农村初中; 兴趣   【中图分类号】 G623【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】1671-1270(2011)01-0046-02    人教版初三的文言文单元,像九(上)的四篇课