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1. Linking paperclips in an interesting wayHere’s one unusual method of linking two paperclips.Take a strip of paper and giving it the shape of an S, put two paperclips on it to keep it in that shape: 1. Linking paperclips in an interesting wayHere’s one unusual method of linking two paperclips.Take a strip of paper and giving it the shape of an S, put two paperclips on it to keep it in that shape:
三分春色一分愁,谁说惆怅只在秋?逝去是一种结束,更是一种开始,一种希望…… Three-point spring one-third of the spring, who said that only in the autumn, the passin
林恩正在寻找夹克衫。他要去看医生。他感觉不好。克里期:你在找什么?林恩:我的夹克衫。我要去看医生。 Lynn is looking for a jacket. He wants to see a doctor. He doesn’
老师捧上的一碗热面,老师投来的一个理解的眼神,都会让孩子暖遍全身。生命里的春天比自然中的春天更让人感到温暖。 The hot face that the teacher espouses and an unders
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爹不懂得怎样表达爱,使我们一家人融洽相处的是我妈。他只是每天上班下班,而妈则把我们做过的错事开列清单,然后由他来责骂我们。 I don’t know how to express love, and
临别的时候你让我用这样的方式送你于是我点点头向你倾吐我的心语初识的时候使我着迷的是你的俏丽相知的时候 When you parted, you asked me to send you in this way. Th