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各地区行署,各市、县、自治县人民政府,柳铁,防城港区,区直各委、办、厅、局:为了适应我区农村经济发展的新形势,进一步贯彻公平税负,促进竞争,体现产业政策的原则,发挥税收的经济杠杆作用,支持改革,促进农村商品经济的健康发展,现对我区农村税收政策作如下调整:一、产品税、增值税、营业税1、农村集体企业、私营企业、个体工 Administrative offices of all regions, cities, counties and autonomous counties, people’s governments of all cities, counties and autonomous counties, Liucheng Railway, Fangchenggang District and all levels of commissions, offices, offices and bureaus: In order to adapt to the new situation of rural economic development in our district, further implement fair tax burden and promote competition The principle of industrial policy, the economic leverage of taxation, support for reform and the healthy development of rural commodity economy are as follows: First, the product tax, value-added tax, sales tax 1, rural collective enterprises, the private sector Business, individual workers
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传媒频频爆光名人们或交税或逃税的消息,做为一介草民,我们虽不至于被人后面追着要千八百万的税,可是心里有本帐,倒底哪些收入得上税,还是大有必要的。 个人所得税是向个人(
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●在一个国家中,一切公共权力的来源和公共利益的维护都与国家的税收密不可分,现代意义上的国家更是如此。 ●一个不是以税收方式来实现公共利益的国家,不可能是现代意义上的
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In order to study the modulatory effects of compound polysaccharide Erweikang on the immune function of the immunosuppressive mice, the positive immune modulat
据菲律宾财政部日前公布的一份报告,菲律宾政府的债务今年6月份将达1.3万亿比索(按目前汇率给合450亿美元),人均2.5万比索。 According to a report released recently by the
西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 省财政厅《关于整顿财政国债中介机构的实施意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请认 Xining City, the Peop