R & D Activities on Urban Forestry in the Philippines

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiyulaile
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This paper highlights the research and development activities being done on urban forestry in the Philippines. The rolethat R & Dplaysin urban forestryislikewise discussed in theintroduction. Recommended tree species for urban planting are presented including their characteristics and distribution. Researches related to urban forestry being conducted are listed with a short description of each project. Development activities on urban forestry are likewise discussed. Finally, recommended R &D agenda and researchable areasbased on the Philippine Agenda 21 and the Department of Environmentand NaturalResources(DENR) R & D Framework are presented. This paper highlights the research and development activities being done on urban forestry in the Philippines. The rolethat R & Dplaysin urban forestry is likewise discussed in the introduction. Recommended tree species for urban planting are presented including their characteristics and distribution. listed with a short description of each project. Development activities on urban forestry are likewise discussed. Finally, recommended R & D agenda and researchable areas based on the Philippine Agenda 21 and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) R & D Framework are presented.
本文在Eagleson随机动力学水平衡模型的基础上 ,改进了原模型中蒸腾、蒸发量等项的计算方法 ;并根据黄土区降水分布特点 ,将全年分为 1 6个时间长度不等的降水时段 ,分别统计
由山东汉通奥特机械有限公司主办的“污泥纸板机产品推广暨技术交流会”于2009年5月18日在诸城隆重召开。会议邀请诸城市政府、市政协以及专利局、科技局的有关领导, Organi
一.铅-锡合金焊锡 这种焊锡的特点是可用范围广(可用以焊接金、银、铜、锌等金属制品)、熔点低(230~270℃)、延展性好。其配方为铅(Pb):锡(Sn)=50%:50%。配制前先用稀盐酸(HCl)