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有人提出,管理的最高境界是“无为而治”,即通过对员工的内在控制激发工作热情。的确,纪律、制度对员工来说只是一种外在控制,而当员工的内在精神被某种东西控制之后,就会自觉地全身心地投入工作中。优秀的领导者深谙此道,从不对员工强加管制,而是从改善员工精神状态入手来对其加以导引。 It was suggested that the highest level of management is “doing nothing,” which means motivating work enthusiasm through the internal control of employees. Indeed, discipline and system are just external controls for the employees, and when employees are inherently controlled by something, they are consciously devoted themselves to their work. Good leaders know this well and never impose control on their employees. Instead, they are guided by improvements in employee mental state.
Network virtualization is a promising way for network innovation. Efforts have been made to develop virtual network platforms for both network researches and bu
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In the last twenty years,the extraordinary discoveries of vertebrate fossils from the Jehol Biota not only have important impli-cations for studying the evoluti
本文从理论分析的角度讨论了恒速喷嘴的工作原理,流量-压力间的依从关系及其影响因素,理论分析结果与实验数据能很好吻合,为国内自行设计恒速喷嘴提供了一份有用的资料. Thi