An extremely rare case of delusional parasitosis in a chronic hepatitis C patient during pegylated i

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ynhappyma
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During treatment of chronic hepatitis C patients with interferon and ribavirin, a lot of side effects are described. Twenty-three percent to 44% of patients develop depression. A minority of patients evolve to psychosis. To the best of our knowledge, no cases of psychogenic parasitosis occurring during interferon therapy have been described in the literature. We present a 49-year-old woman who developed a delusional parasitosis during treatment with pegylated interferon alpha-2b weekly and ribavirin. She complained of seeing parasites and the larvae of fleas in her stools. This could not be confirmed by any technical examination. All the complaints disappeared after stopping pegylated interferon alpha-2b and reappeared after restarting it. She had a complete sustained viral response. A treatment of chronic hepatitis C patients with interferon and ribavirin, a lot of side effects are described. Twenty-three percent to 44% of patients develop depression. A minority of patients evolve to psychosis. To the best of our knowledge, no cases of psychogenic parasitosis occurs during interferon therapy have been described in the literature. We present a 49-year-old woman who developed a delusional parasitosis during treatment with pegylated interferon alpha-2b weekly and ribavirin. She complained of seeing parasites and the larvae of fleas in This could not be confirmed by any technical examination. All the complaints disappeared after stopping pegylated interferon alpha-2b and reappeared after restarting it. She had a complete sustained viral response.
双胞胎女性患儿,2个月,出生后4周左右,两婴儿面部、躯干、双手足相继出现红斑,逐渐加重,伴有发热,体温37.3~38.2 ℃.于2006年12月1日来我院就诊.体检:两患儿均可见头面、口周红斑结痂,躯干、会阴、双手足伸侧及掌跖散在分布不等大小的铜红色斑疹,覆有少量鳞屑.妹妹皮损略轻.患儿父母未见皮疹,但患儿父亲2年前及患儿母亲1年前均有外阴部皮损病史,曾在当地治疗,皮损消退,但未追踪观察。
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