贯彻“三个代表”思想 推进干部培训工作

来源 :陕西省行政学院.陕西省经济管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frigate999
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为了应对日趋激烈的国际竞争,保证建设有中国特色社会主义事业的顺利推进,以江泽民同志为核心的党中央提出了科教兴国、人才强国的战略决策。为此,当前和今后一个时期,要着力建设好党政人才、企业经营管理人才和专业技术人才三支队伍。我省行政学院作为国家公务员和国有大中型企业高级管理人员的培训基地,负有培训、科研、咨询三项职能。在开展干部教育培训中,必须按照“三个代表”的要求,勇于创新,锐意进取;必须坚持理论联系实际、学以致用的马克思主义学风,紧紧围绕省十次党代会确定的总体目标,努力培养和造就一支适应社会主义市场经济需要的高素质、专业化的人才队伍,为建设西部经济 In order to cope with the increasingly fierce international competition and ensure the smooth progress of the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core has put forward the strategic decision of rejuvenating the country with science and education and strengthening the nation with talent. To this end, at present and for a period in the future, efforts must be made to build a good team of three contingent of party and government personnel, business management personnel and professional and technical personnel. As a training base for senior civil servants and state-owned large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, the administrative department of our province has three functions of training, scientific research and consulting. In carrying out cadre education and training, we must make innovations and strive for progress in the light of the requirements of the “three represents,” we must uphold the Marxist style of studying theory in line with reality and practicing reason, and closely follow the general goal set by the 10th CPC Congress , And strive to cultivate and bring up a contingent of highly qualified and specialized personnel who meet the needs of a socialist market economy. In order to build a western economy
一、案情简介 郭某,男,36岁,某行政单位干部。2001年10月单位因扣发其工资50元,遂向市人事争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。 First, the case profile Kwak, male, 36 years old,
机关干部要端正“学风” ,主要应解决好四个问题 :学用脱节 ,理论层次低 ,学习不系统 ,业务知识单一。只有这样 ,才能更好地发挥好机关应有的职能作用。 The cadres of the
本文通过普通话水平测试第一、二题分别与三、四题、总分及等级之间的效标关联效度的检验,得出了第一题与第二题相比效度偏低的结论。 In this paper, we test the validity
[案情简介] 申请人:王某,男,42岁,原系某市某局职工。 被申请人:某市某局。 申请人认为自己在2000年河南省工商系统考录公务员工作中受到不公正对待,对未被录取为公务员不