Ideotype root architecture for efficient nitrogen acquisition by maize in intensive cropping systems

来源 :Science China(Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyj16812
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The use of nitrogen(N) fertilizers has contributed to the production of a food supply sufficient for both animals and humans despite some negative environmental impact.Sustaining food production by increasing N use efficiency in intensive cropping systems has become a major concern for scientists,environmental groups,and agricultural policymakers worldwide.In high-yielding maize systems the major method of N loss is nitrate leaching.In this review paper,the characteristic of nitrate movement in the soil,N uptake by maize as well as the regulation of root growth by soil N availability are discussed.We suggest that an ideotype root architecture for efficient N acquisition in maize should include(i) deeper roots with high activity that are able to uptake nitrate before it moves downward into deep soil;(ii) vigorous lateral root growth under high N input conditions so as to increase spatial N availability in the soil;and(iii) strong response of lateral root growth to localized nitrogen supply so as to utilize unevenly distributed nitrate especially under limited N conditions. The use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers has contributed to the production of a food supply sufficient for both animals and humans despite some negative environmental impact .ustaining food production by increasing N use efficiency in intensive cropping systems has become a major concern for scientists, environmental groups, and agricultural policymakers worldwide. In high-yielding maize systems the major method of N loss is nitrate leaching. In this review paper, the characteristic of nitrate movement in the soil, N uptake by maize as well as the regulation of root growth by soil N availability are discussed. We suggest that an ideotype root architecture for efficient N acquisition in maize should include (i) deeper roots with high activity that are able to uptake nitrate before it moves downward into deep soil; (ii) vigorous lateral root growth under high N input conditions so as to increase spatial N availability in the soil; and (iii) strong response of lateral root growth to localized nitrogen sup ply so as to express unevenly distributed nitrate especially under limited N conditions.
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