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  2015年4月16日 由摩洛哥主办的第七届非洲碳论坛(Africa Carbon Forum 2015)举行为期一天的部长级会议。来自53个国家地区的600多名代表一同发出呼吁,要求将于年底举行的巴黎气候变化大会出台强有力和具有普遍性的全球气候变化新协议,并通过市场和融资等渠道,促进并增加为非洲国家适应和减缓气候变化影响提供关键资金扶持。
  为此,本届非洲碳论坛发出两项明确的讯息。第一,必须进一步刺激公共和私营部门气候融资,为非洲国家减缓和适应气候变化影响的行动提供充足、持续和可预见的资金支持;第二,发展中国家包括非洲,要想实现向低碳排放发展之路的转变,需要“清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism)”这样的重要工具帮助,以确保在2020年之后继续获得发达国家提供的资金、技术和能力建设支持。
  此外,作为今年年底的《联合国气候变化框架公约》巴黎气候会议最重要的准备工作,各缔约国的国家自定贡献预案(Intended Nationally-Determined Contribution)的提交备受瞩目。与会代表表示,大部分非洲国家正在紧张进行最后的细化工作,其中加蓬已于4月1日成为首个提交其国家自定贡献预案的非洲国家。
  《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书处副执行秘书克利(Richard Kinley)就此表示,目前距离巴黎气候变化大会的召开还有最后八个月时间,各方关注的焦点必须从重申谈判立场转移到寻求共同解决方案。他说,所有国家都能够从《巴黎协定》中获益,因此必须尽快就一个强有力的结论达成共识,并确保这一具有普遍法律约束力的全球气候变化新协议能够在今年顺利出台。
  April 16 2015 – At the one-day ministerial session of the 7th Africa Carbon Forum 2015 hosted by Morocco on April 16, delegates from over 600 countries and regions appeals unanimously that the Paris Climate Conference slated to be held at the end of 2015 to unveil a strong and universal climate change agreement with increased flows of funds, including market and finance opportunities, sufficient to fulfill Africa's development aspirations in mitigating and alleviating the impact of climate change.
  The African delegates stressed in a media statement that, Africa had the lowest greenhouse gas emission in the world, only accounting for 4% of the total global emission, but due to its less developed economy and geological factor, it was suffering bigger loss than all other continents from the impact of global climate change. Without effective measures, the African population facing water shortage would be increased by over 400 million till the end of this century. The expenses to tackle the sea level rise caused by global warming for the African countries, especially East Africa countries would take a share over 10% of their GDP.
  Hence, two clear messages were sent out at the African Carbon Forum. First, private and public climate finance should be further stimulated to provide sufficient, sustained and foreseeable capital support for the African countries to alleviate and mitigate the impact of climate change. Second, to realize the transformation to a low-carbon emission development path for the developing countries including the African countries, essential tools like CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) are needed to ensure support in terms of capital, technology and capacity from developed countries after 2020.   Besides, the submission of Intended Nationally-Determined Contribution of the contracting states, as the most important preparation of the UNFCCC Paris Climate Conference at the end of this year, attracts tremendous attention. The participants said, most of the African countries were busy preparing for the final elaboration, and Gabon became the first African country to submit the INDC on April 1.
  Vice Executive Secretary at the secretariat of UNFCCC, Richard Kinley said, it's only eight months to go from the Paris Climate Conference, and the focus of all parties should be altered from reiterating the negotiation stances to seeking a common solution. He said, all countries can benefit from the Paris Treaty, so a strong agreement should be reached to ensure the global climate change treaty with universal legal binding could come out this year.
  CDM is a part of the carbon reduction agreement of the Tokyo Treaty in 1997. According to this important mechanism, developed countries can help developing countries implement the project of reducing greenhouse gas emission through capital and technology aid, and the emission reductions can counteract the reduction targets set by developed countries after gaining approval. CDM is essential to improving the capacity building of African countries to tackle climate change. However, data showed that, among over 3,700 greenhouse gas reduction programs implemented under the framework of UNFCCC, those in sub-Saharan region only account for 1.4%, which signifies huge potential to tap in this region.
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