Application of support vector machine to synthetic earthquake prediction

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f415931981
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This paper introduces the method of support vector machine (SVM) into the field of synthetic earthquake pre-diction, which is a non-linear and complex seismogenic system. As an example, we apply this method to predict the largest annual magnitude for the North China area (30°E-42°E, 108°N-125°N) and the capital region (38°E-41.5°E, 114°N-120°N) on the basis of seismicity parameters and observed precursory data. The corresponding prediction rates for the North China area and the capital region are 64.1% and 75%, respectively, which shows that the method is feasible. This paper introduces the method of support vector machine (SVM) into the field of synthetic earthquake pre-diction, which is a non-linear and complex seismogenic system. As an example, we apply this method to predict the largest annual magnitude for the North China area (30 ° E-42 ° E, 108 ° N-125 ° N) and the capital region (38 ° E-41.5 ° E, 114 ° N-120 ° N) on the basis of seismicity parameters and the observed precursory data The corresponding prediction rates for the North China area and the capital region are 64.1% and 75% respectively, which shows that the method is feasible.
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