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文章介绍了三种差别区分主次矛盾和矛盾主次的方法:一是依据内涵和性质判断:在具体的习题中如果题目强调的是题中对比双方对立的一面,一般适用矛盾主次方面的原理,如果题目强调的是对比双方的相辅相成,则一般适用主次矛盾原理;二是依据命题的设问方向判断:如果材料侧重于解决问题,即改造世界,一般适用主次矛盾关系原理,如果材料反映的是人们对某事物的评价或看法,即认识世界,则一般适用矛盾主次方面关系原理;三是依据标志性词语、典型的俗语、成语判断:题中出现“抓重点”、“抓中心”、“抓关键”、抓主要矛盾的表现,题中如有“总的来说”、“识大局”、“判断性质”等时,则体现矛盾主次方面关系原理。 The article introduces three kinds of methods of distinguishing the primary and secondary contradictions and the primary and secondary contradictions: First, it is judged according to its connotation and nature: if the subject emphasized in the specific exercises is the contrast between the opposite sides of the question, the primary and secondary aspects of the contradiction Principle, if the subject emphasizes the contrast between the two sides complement each other, then the principle of primary and secondary contradictions are generally applicable; second, based on the questioning direction of the proposition: if the material focuses on solving the problem, that is, reforming the world, Material reflects the people’s evaluation of or opinion on something, that is, to understand the world, the principle of contradiction is generally applicable to the principle of the relationship between primary and secondary; third is based on landmark words, typical idioms, idioms to determine: , “Grasp the center”, “grasp the key”, and grasp the performance of the main contradiction, if the title is “in general”, “recognize the overall situation”, “judge nature” It reflects the principle of contradiction between primary and secondary.
摘 要: 探究式教学是对传统教育、教学模式的挑战,同时是一个机遇。运用好探究式教学模式不但能使学生从过程中感悟知识、培养能力,而且可以形成活跃的课题氛围和和谐的师生关系。处理好探究式教学模式与传统教学模式的关系,不但可以适应全国和我省素质教育改革的需要,而且会使教师挥洒自如,为创新型国家培养出一批批人才。  关键词: 中学政治教学 探究式教学法 实施过程 自主性  随着新课程的深化,学生自主探究式
甘薯切块直播栽培是一项综合性丰产新技术。该项试验在山东莱芜、滕州、泰安等示范均获成功,并于1993年通过验收和鉴定。现将技术方法介绍如下。 选种 选取适合当地种植的优
在初中体育教学工作中,教师面对的对象大多是独生子女,他们平时受到家长的过度关爱,身体素质发展水平日趋下降,强化100米跑训练能够对提高学生体能素质起到积极的促进作用。教师要强化训练的科学性,并且把握好训练的“度”。本文主要针对初中体育教学中100米跑训练的要点及其突破措施进行分析。  1.速度耐力训练对提高加速跑训练成效作用的分析  在初中生100米跑训练中,加速跑是非常关键的环节。依据体育研究成