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通过田间试验,研究了双季稻田晚稻机械收获留高茬后紫云英迟播的应用效果。结果表明,与传统紫云英播种技术相比,晚稻机械收获留高茬紫云英迟播显著缩短了紫云英的生育期,但其盛花期能保持与传统播种技术一致,对下茬早稻作物的种植没有影响;两种播种方法对盛花期鲜草产量、植株养分含量和养分积累量均没有显著影响,说明迟播播种能达到与传统播种一样的肥田目的;迟播对紫云英的种子产量及产量构成因素均没有明显影响,与传统播种技术相比可节约劳动力成本约45元/hm2,且可避免传统播种方法对晚稻植株的伤害。在现代双季稻种植条件下,晚稻机械收获留高茬紫云英迟播技术具有较大的优势和发展前景。 The field experiment was conducted to study the application effects of late sowing of the late rice varieties of double cropping rice in late rice harvesting after high stubble harvesting. The results showed that compared with the traditional sowing technology, late rice mechanical harvesting high stubble late shrub significantly shorten the growth period of the Chinese milk vetch, but its flowering period can be consistent with the traditional sowing technology, the next crop of early rice No effect on the planting of crops; the two sowing methods had no significant effect on fresh grass yield, plant nutrient content and nutrient accumulation in full flowering stage, indicating that delayed sowing could achieve the same purpose as conventional sowing; No significant effect on seed yield and yield components, saving labor cost of about 45 yuan / hm2 compared with traditional sowing technology, and avoiding damage of late sowing plants by traditional sowing methods. Under the condition of modern double cropping rice planting, late rice harvesting has the advantage and development prospect of late sowing technology.
Urban water consumption has some characteristics of grey because it is influenced by economy, population, standard of living and so on. The multi-variable grey
对 Fin nigan M A T 251 质谱计的数据采集和处理系统进行了改造,使其能用单路三束法测定生物样品的15 N 丰度。就测定方法的精密度、准确度和所用样品氮量及记忆效应问题做了试验,证实该测定
日前,首届渔业科技国际创新大赛(Fishtech Awards)决赛在青岛举行,值得关注的是,这是中国第一个针对水产行业进行创新技术推广的比赛决赛上,美国硅谷的创新技术企业Finless F
采用颗粒饲料(A组)、颗粒饲料与鲜饵料(B组)、纯鲜饵料(C组)对三组条纹锯(鮨)Centropristis striata Linnaeus生长性能及营养成分进行观察和分析比较.结果显示,颗粒饲料营养
以色列AquaMaof公司是一家在水产领域有丰富经验的公司,是RAS (室内水循环养殖系统)和交钥匙项目的先驱.2016年,纽芬兰新建全球最大、最先进的鲑鱼养殖基地Grieg NL选择AquaM
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