Method for determination of allocable water during formulation of water allocation scheme

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crystal_z
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The determination of allocable water is one of the most important stages during the process of formulating water allocation scheme.The selection of appropriate allocable water is the prerequisite and fundament for developing a reasonable water allocation scheme.Based on the summary and analysis of international water allocation practice,this paper has distilled three attention-worth issues concerning the determination of allocable water.In addition,this paper has also proposed a general method for the determination of allocable water and illustrated this method in detail.It is hoped that through providing a general and feasible method for determining allocable water,a fundament could be established for the consultation of water allocation process among different stakeholders,promoting the integrated management of river basins. The determination of allocable water is one of the most important stages during the process of formulating water allocation scheme. The selection of appropriate allocable water is the prerequisite and fundament for developing a reasonable water allocation scheme. Based on the summary and analysis of international water allocation practice, this paper has distilled three attention-worth issues concerning the determination of allocable water. In addition, this paper has also proposed a general method for the determination of allocable water and illustrated this method in detail. It is hoped that through providing a general and feasible method for determining allocable water, a fundament could be established for the consultation of water allocation process among different stakeholders, promoting the integrated management of river basins.
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