大跃进的花朵 大时代的声音 巢县司集乡的社会主义歌咏运动

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巢县司集乡,是由七个农业合作社,25个生产大队,227个生产小队组成的,全乡有5253户,21400多人,总耕地面积69713亩。解放前这里原是一个贫困落后的地区,由于反动统治阶级的残酷剥削,缺粮户占总人口的75%,那时每人每年的口粮平均还不到300斤,一到青黄不接之际,就纷纷外去逃荒。1934年那次50天的大旱,除几户地主富农以外,大部分都跑了出去。在文化教育方面解放前全乡只有一所供地主富农子弟读书的小学,文盲占80%,至于文化娱乐生活,那就更谈不上了。解放以后,在中国共产党的领导下,几年来全乡的面貌发生了根本的变化,广大劳动人民获得解放以后,在政治、经济、文化、生产等方面,均有了很大的改善。由于社会主义的制度的无比的优越性,生产力大大的解放,生产不断的向前发展,预计到1959 Nest county Secretary Township, is composed of seven agricultural cooperatives, 25 production brigades, 227 production team composition, the township has 5253 households, more than 21400 people, the total area of ​​69713 acres of arable land. Before the liberation here was originally a poor and backward area. As a result of the cruel exploitation of the reactionary ruling class, lack of food accounts for 75% of the total population. At that time, the average annual grain ration of less than 300 pounds per person per year, Have to go to escape famine. During the 50 days of drought in 1934, most of the ranches except for several landlords and rich peasants ran out. Before the liberation of culture and education, there was only one primary school in the township who was studying for the rich peasants. The illiterate population accounted for 80% of the total. As for the cultural and recreational life, it would be far less advanced. After the liberation, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the outlook of the township has undergone fundamental changes over the past few years. After the liberation of the majority of working people, there has been a great improvement in politics, economy, culture and production. Due to the immense superiority of the socialist system, the great liberation of productive forces and the continuous development of production are expected by 1959
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