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一个企业综合安全的状态,最能体现一个企业的管理素质及精神风貌。汕头港第一港务公司在从事港口装卸生产的过程中一直致力于综合安全管理工作,取得一定成效。1994年11月,经受了交通部综合安全检查组的检查,得到肯定。 一、各级领导重视安全 质量工作齐抓共管。 公司中主要领导负起安全生产第一责任,做到“严字当头,以身作则,敢于管理,狠抓落实”。同时明确落实各级领导各自的安全生产责任,把党政工团齐抓共管和谁主管谁负责的原则有机结合起来,自上而下形成层层有责任、层层有压力。公司把安全部门当作是“一把手”落实安全生产第一责任的助手和参谋,在企业转换机制、机构调整中,公司内部机构整顿,人员精简,安全部门仍保持稳定,安监人员力量加强,由原有的16名专职安全员增至24名。在安全管理组织上,我们根据港口装卸作业:立体交叉;企业场所复杂多变;货物种类、形状多种多样;作业运作设备、机械种类繁多;劳动组织复杂;受气象、潮汛、季节的影响而变化等特点,及时采取各种安全对策; The comprehensive safety status of an enterprise can best reflect the management quality and mental outlook of an enterprise. In the process of port loading and unloading production, the first port company of Shantou Port has been committed to comprehensive safety management and has achieved some success. In November 1994, it was checked and affirmed by the inspection conducted by the Comprehensive Safety Inspection Unit of the Ministry of Communications. First, leaders at all levels attach importance to safety and quality control work together. The main leaders of the company take the first responsibility for safety in production, so as to “make serious spelling mistakes, lead by example, dare to manage and pay close attention to implementation”. At the same time, the leaders at all levels must clearly implement their respective responsibilities for work safety and organically combine the principle of keeping the Party and government workers’ work in charge of the collective management and who is in charge of the work. There are pressures and layers of pressure from top to bottom. The company regards the security department as a “number one” assistant and staff who implement the first responsibility for production safety. In the process of enterprise transformation and organizational restructuring, the internal organization of the company has been rectified and the staff has been streamlined. The security department remains stable, From the original 16 full-time security staff to 24. In the safety management organization, we operate according to the port loading and unloading: three-dimensional cross; complex and volatile business premises; goods of various types and shapes; operating equipment, a wide range of machinery; labor complex; affected by the weather, flood season, and Change and other characteristics, timely take all kinds of security measures;
1960年4月29日国务院全体会议第100次会议通过设立友谊县,撤销集贤县,以原集贤县的东部地区为友谊县的行政区域,原集贤县的西部地区划归双鸭山市。 On April 29, 1960, the