Energetic etiologies of acute pancreatitis: A report of five cases

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lavenderws
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There are several common causes of acute pancreatitis, principally excessive alcohol intake and gallstones, and there are many rare causes. However, cases of pancreatitis still occur in the absence of any recognizable factors, and these cases of idiopathic pancreatitis suggest the presence of unrecognized etiologies. Five cases of acute pancreatitis in four patients came to attention due to a strong temporal association with exposure to nerve stimulators and energy drinks. Given that these cases of pancreatitis were otherwise unexplained, and given that these exposures were not clearly known to be associated with pancreatitis, we performed a search for precedent cases and for mechanistic bases. No clear precedent cases were found in Pub Med and only scant, weak precedent cases were found in public-health databases. However, there was a coherent body of intriguing literature in support of a mechanistic basis for these exposures playing a role in the etiology of pancreatitis. There are several common causes of acute pancreatitis, principally excessive alcohol intake and gallstones, and there are many rare causes. However, cases of pancreatitis still occur in the absence of any recognizable factors, and these cases of idiopathic pancreatitis suggest the presence of unrecognized etiologies Five cases of acute pancreatitis in four patients came to attention due to a strong temporal association with exposure to nerve stimulators and energy drinks. Given these these cases of pancreatitis were otherwise unexplained, and given that these exposures were not clearly known to be associated with pancreatic, we performed a search for precedent cases and for mechanistic bases. No clear precedent cases were found in Pub Med and only scant, weak precedent cases were found in public-health databases. However, there was a coherent body of intriguing literature in support of a mechanistic basis for these exposures playing a role in the etiology of pancreatitis.
在柯立芝执政的时候,我的一位朋友于周末时在白宫作客。踱入 总统的办公室,他听得柯立芝对他的一位女秘书说,“你今早穿的衣服极好看,你是一个极美貌的青年女子。” While
据中国科技论文与引文数据库(CSTPCD 2009)提供的数据,本刊2009年的影响因子为0.246,在师范大学学报类期刊中排名第14位;总被引频次为271,在师范大学学报类期刊中排名第16位;
领导干部的宽宏气度、博大胸襟及超强的心理素质,有利于增强内部的凝聚力和促进各项工作任务的圆满完成。 明代学者薛瑄曾说过这样的话:“唯宽可以容人,唯厚可以载物。”邓
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