防治地方病 提高人口素质 国务委员彭珮云同志在山西省计划生育、地方病防治工作座谈会上的讲话(地方病防治部分)

来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tastgaoyan1981
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知道山西省正在下大决心,用大力气抓地方病防治工作,所以到这里来学习。通过听汇报、看录相、看望病人,初步了解到大骨节病、地方性氟中毒、克山病等,给群众造成的痛苦和严重危害,也看到山西省地方病回升的严峻形势。 山西省委、省政府领导怀着对病区人民的深厚感情,高度重视防治地方病的工作,把这项工作做为关心群众疾苦、保障人民健康、提高人口素质、振兴山西经济、密切党和政府与人民群众血肉联系的一项大事来抓,决心很大。提出了“苦战三年,把地方病发病率控制或基本控制到国家规定标准内”的奋斗目标和“全党重视、全民动员,防治地病,造福三晋”的口号。省委、省政府为这项工作召开了几次会议,制定了一系列重要文件,各级主管领导还层层签定了目标责任书,落实了责任制,恢复和健全了省、地、县三级地方病防治机构,明确了各有关部门的工作职责,增加了经费投入,而且采取了一系列政策性措施来稳定地方 I know that Shanxi Province is making a great determination to take great efforts to catch endemic disease prevention work, so come here to learn. Through listening to reports, watching videos, and visiting patients, we learned firsthand about Kaschin-Beck disease, endemic fluorosis, Keshan disease, etc., and caused pain and serious damage to the people. We also saw the severe situation of the recovery of endemic diseases in Shanxi Province. The leaders of Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government have attached great importance to the people in the ward and have attached great importance to the work of prevention and treatment of endemic diseases. They have taken this work as a concern for the suffering of the people, safeguarding people’s health, improving the quality of the population, revitalizing the Shanxi economy, and strengthening the Party and the government. A great deal of contact with the people is a great deal of determination. The slogans of “three years of hard struggle, controlling or basically controlling the incidence of endemic diseases within the national standards” and the slogan “Pay attention from the whole party, mobilize the whole people, prevent and treat diseases from the ground, and benefit Sanjin” are proposed. The provincial party committee and the provincial government held several meetings for this work and formulated a series of important documents. Leaders at all levels also signed a target responsibility statement at various levels, implemented a responsibility system, and restored and improved provincial, prefecture, and county levels. The third-level endemic disease prevention and control institutions have defined the work responsibilities of the relevant departments, increased funding, and adopted a series of policy measures to stabilize the places.
朋友们、同志们: 经过几个月的筹备,《中国2000年实现消除碘缺乏病目标动员会》今天开幕了!我代表李鹏总理和国务院,向会议表示祝贺!借此机会,我还要向多年来一贯关心和支持
《党史博览》编辑部: 我是《党史博览》的一名忠实读者。自2000年以来,我对《党史博览》所发表的每一篇文章都做到细读深思,已经达到了“爱不释手”的程度。俗话说,“读史可
骨伤科病人因发病急骤 ,缺乏思想准备 ,而极易产生严重的焦虑、紧张和恐惧不安情绪 ,并迫切想知道自己所患疾病的病情程度、治疗方法及预后 ,尤其是为了保全生命而不得不采取