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Fully formulated lean NOx trap(LNT)catalysts of the type Pt/Rh/BaO/Al2O3 were prepared with and without incorporation of CeO2-ZrO2 in the washcoat,and their NOx reduction behavior was evaluated in steady-state,continuous flow experiments.In the fresh state, the CeO2-ZrO2 addition was found to exert little effect on NOx reduction activity using H2,CO,and NH3 as the reductants.However,after simulated road aging,NOx reduction activity was significantly impaired for the CeO2-ZrO2-free catalyst,whereas the performance of the CeO2-ZrO2-containing analog was affected to only a minor degree.These differences are explained on the basis of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy measurements showing that Pt supported on CeO2-ZrO2 remained highly dispersed after aging,whereas Pt supported on BaO/Al2O3 underwent significant sintering.In addition,the Pt/CeO2-ZrO2 component did not accumulate sulfur during aging, unlike Pt/BaO/Al2O3 for which significant sulfation of the Ba phase occurred.For both catalysts,selectivity to NH3 in NO and NO2 reduction by H2 increased after the catalyst aging,indicative of a change in the relative surface coverages of N and H ad-atoms on the precious metal sites. Fully formulated lean NOx trap (LNT) catalysts of the type Pt / Rh / BaO / Al2O3 were prepared with and without incorporation of CeO2-ZrO2 in the washcoat, and their NOx reduction behavior was evaluated in steady-state, continuous flow experiments. the fresh state, the CeO2-ZrO2 addition was found to exert little effect on NOx reduction activity using H2, CO, and NH3 as the reductants. Despite, after simulated road aging, NOx reduction activity was significantly impaired for the CeO2-ZrO2-free catalyst, and the performance of the CeO2-ZrO2-containing analog was affected to only a minor degree. These differences are explained on the basis of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy measurements that Pt supported on CeO2-ZrO2 remained highly dispersed after aging, Pt / CeO2-ZrO2 component did not accumulate sulfur during aging, unlike Pt / BaO / Al2O3 for which significant sulfation of the Ba phase occurred. F or both catalysts, the selectivity to NH3 in NO and NO2 reduction by H2 increased after the catalyst aging, indicative of a change in the relative surface coverages of N and H ad-atoms on the precious metal sites.
雾气蒸腾,温暖的灯光使浴室亮堂起来,我眯着眼,思绪回到下樟村的澡堂。  我已经很少回老家了,尤其是外婆也从老家出来后,一般只有每年清明才回去。  老家下樟村是深山里的一座古村落,留在那里的大多是外婆辈的老人。走在老家的街道上,外婆和每位乡亲熟络地打招呼,一会儿便会收到无数吃午饭的邀请。我看见外婆像久旱逢甘霖的稻子,在这片熟悉的土地上迅速焕发光彩。而外婆回到下樟村,每次必做的事就是去澡堂洗一次澡。她
门开了!  眼前出现了三条路。  左边这条路,看过去有些崎岖,坑坑洼洼的泥路上嵌着大小不一的石块。荒草和荆棘在转角处疯长着,像是经历了一场狂风暴雨,乌云遮天盖日,掩盖住了一路上危险的沼泽。昏暗的天色里,倒还可以看见仿佛很遥远的地方传过来的微弱的光。枯藤败叶,除却荒凉,剩下的还是令人惊恐的荒凉。  这一定是条令人举步维艰的路。泥路陷脚,石块扎人,荆棘挡路,沼泽凶险。唯一能振奋你的是绝处逢生的喜悦和山