
来源 :长沙铁道学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houwenjin
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提高行车速度是铁路现代化的主要任务之一。铁路设计时,对于行车速度大于120公里/小时的高速铁路竖曲线技术标准——竖曲线半径和不设竖曲线的坡度最大代数差,目前在我国尚缺乏理论和试验的分析资料,以及运营的实践经验。为此,如何确定高速铁路的竖曲线技术标准,本文作了一定的理论分析。在本文中:提出高速铁路竖曲线技术标准应根据线路上巡道人员安全避车、车轮不爬越轨顶、车辆不脱钩、旅客舒适四个条件来确定。详细阐述和推导了这四种条件时的分析方法和计算公式,并结合我国目前的技术装备情况下,计算出各条件所要求的竖曲线技术标准的数值。最后推荐出高速铁路设计时所采用的竖曲线技术标准。本文可供铁道部拟定高速铁路线路技术标准或设计高速铁路时,确定竖曲线技术标准的参考。 Improving the speed of driving is one of the main tasks of railway modernization. At the time of railway design, for the technical standard of vertical curve of high-speed railway whose traveling speed is more than 120 km / h, the maximum algebraic difference between the vertical curve radius and the slope without vertical curve is currently lacking in theory and test analysis data in China, Experience. To this end, how to determine the vertical curve of high-speed railway technical standards, this paper made some theoretical analysis. In this paper, it is proposed that the technical standard of vertical curve of high-speed railway should be determined according to the four conditions of safety evacuation of patrolling personnel on the line, not climbing the top of the wheel, not decoupling the vehicle, and passenger comfort. The analysis methods and calculation formulas for these four conditions are elaborated and deduced in detail. Combined with the current technical equipment in China, the numerical values ​​of the vertical curve technical standards required by each condition are calculated. Finally, it recommends the technical standard of vertical curve used in design of high-speed railway. This article can be used for the Ministry of Railways to develop high-speed railway line technical standards or design of high-speed railway, the vertical curve to determine the technical standards for reference.
本文介绍了柴油机台架试验的模拟量记录系统作用、系统构成、传感器以及记录速度的控制和记录信号的分析方法。文中还给出了部分的实测记录曲线。 This paper introduces th
1.咱们去打篮球吧。误:Let’s go and play the basketball. 正:Let’s go and play basketball. 析:英语中,表示“打(踢)球”时,球类运动的名称前不加冠词。 2.吉姆和比尔
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