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  The Hulbert house which opened in the summer of 2016 is undoubtedly a very special one among the luxury hotels in Queenstown, New Zealand. This six-suite boutique hotel is a beautifully restored Victorian villa dating back to 1871, included in category of Historic Place listing and protected by a convenant by Heritage New Zealand. The location is close enough to the town to be a 5 minute stroll but far enough away to be quiet and peaceful with beautiful views. Steeped in authentic history, the Hulbert house will definitely bring guests a distinctive combination of historic elegance and contemporary service.
  六间套房 六段历史
  Six Suites Six Pieces of History
  The Hulbert House boasts six suites, each of the stunning suites has it's own independent character and each is named after a prominent individual in the Homesteads history.
  Malaghan Suite
  In 1871 Michael John Malaghan, owners of the Prince of Wales Hotel, was granted the land on which Hulbert House now sits. A small timber cottage with a mono pitched roof were constructed and in 1874 a wooden verandah was installed on the front of the cottage and stone extension was constructed at the rear.
  The Malaghan Suite is named after Michael John Malaghan. This suite is styled in black and white with accents of gold and slate grey, a day bed to enjoy the views of Skyline Hill.
  Boult Suite
  The Boult Suite is named for Philip Burbage Boult, who was formally granted the land in 1876. Over the next decade a timber outbuilding with stone foundations was built on the back of the site.
  The green and white themed Boult Suite is highlighted with royal blue and crimson red details with luxurious drapery swathed to a crown style canopy above the super king bed. Boasting a stunning antique writing desk - perfect for the aspiring author, the bay window features comfortable easy chairs for relaxing in and enjoying the garden views. This is the largest of the premium suites at Hulbert House with a total space of 44 sq m.   費斯套房
  Firth Suite
  In 1886 the land that Hulbert house sits on was sold to Horatio Nelson Firth - the receiver of gold in Queenstown. Following the construction of the timber villa and the remodeling of the stone service range at the rear between 1889 and 1901 the house was the Firth family home, before Horatio Firth was sent to prison for embezzlement. It is from here that the Firth Suite draws its name.
  With colour tones of purple, royal blue and pale green, the Firth Suite offers stunning views to Lake Wakatipu and up to Skyline Gondola, whether you're writing a novel at the antique desk or reclining in the day bed.
  Archerfield Suite
  Between 1942 and 1945 Hulbert House was leased by the Archerfield Girls' School of Dunedin as a refuge for girls due to the threat of war. The Archerfield Suite is named after this moment in history.
  The colour palate of Archerfield Suite is gold and royal blue with white poppies and accents of red in the occasional chairs. Featuring luxurious linens, lavish decor and a rich gold drapery swath provides the finishing touch to the super king bed.
  Mason and Wales Suites
  Dunedin based architects Mason & Wales were commissioned by Horatio Nelson Firth to design the family villa homestead. The Mason & Wales Suites are named after William Mason and Nathaniel Young Armstrong Wales respectively. It is worth mentioning that Mason & Wales is the oldest architectural firm in New Zealand, having been founded in 1863 by William Mason, who was the first Mayor of Dunedin.
  These two identical Suites were originally an attic in the main Homestead, but now boast window seats and dormer windows overlooking Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu. The Mason and Wales Suites both sport a crisp white decor with elegant trim in royal blue and a sunny yellow in the ensuite bathrooms. Chic designer bedside furniture blends perfectly with antique valets and tables.the Mason and Wales Suites are accessed via the internal staircase featuring restored images from Queenstown Museum that tell the story of Queenstowns development.   棕櫚厅 梦幻的社交空间
  The "Palm Room" Lounge A Dreamlike Social Space
  The Palm Room lounge is beautifully decorated with eclectic and bold style. The wall decor is colored in green with patterns of Palm Trees, and the atmosphere of being in a jungle is further enhanced by vast green plants. A western fireplace and a plenty of porcelains from the east are combined in one place, generating a sophisticated and joyful vibe and make it a perfect social place.
  The Palm Room is also the restaurant of the hotel. Guests could enjoy a rich continental selection of breakfast here and the hot items are especially great, making a nice change from the busy Queenstown Cafes. What's more special is the evening canapés which is delicious and the canapé hour means you will meet other guests staying at the hotel, sharing stories during the journey while having tea together, definitely a unforgettable moment in Queenstown.
  Such is the authentic charm of Queenstown you will experience in Hulbert house, since this special local homestead has long been a part of the town's history.
迎宾小姐蓝孔雀  远远听到鸟类“咕噜,咕噜……”的叫声,打开木门的一刹那,一只欢脱美丽的蓝孔雀随即奔来,热情迎宾,让我真是受宠若惊。  信步走来,庄园保留了九溪十八涧景区的自然资源,依地势而建别墅,均为开放式布局,融入自然景致中。随时随地秀恩爱的白孔雀,草坪上自由奔跑的马儿,呆萌懒散的雁鹅和小兔子,甚至还有传说中的神兽羊驼,在这片城区的一头散发着来自小动物的善意和活力。  据饲养员介绍,12:00
一个人一辈子只从事一项职业是件幸福的事,因为你会很专业,而且走得很远。我们在本期人物栏目采访了马拉喀什马穆尼亚酒店总经理皮埃尔·约赫姆先生,这位和蔼的长者拥有着悠长而丰富多彩的酒店职业生涯。  1980年代,皮埃尔·约赫姆离开家乡法国来到伦敦柏悦酒店担任餐饮总监,开启了四海为家的酒店人模式,随后他去了曼谷丽晶酒店和香港港岛香格里拉酒店。接下来,他在One&Only旗下的毛里求斯Saint Gera
碑林是收藏我国古代碑石时间最早、名碑最多的一座文化艺术宝库,已有九百多年的历史。其创始者为北宋名臣吕大忠(陕西蓝田人),时任陕西转运副使。  碑林不仅是中国古代文化典籍石刻的集中点之一,也是历代名家书法艺术荟萃之地。由于碑刻丛立如林,蔚为壮观而得名。  西安碑林,是在保存唐代石经的基础上发展起来的,碑林不只是以历史悠久、保存碑石之多、规模之大著称于世,更重要的,还是这些碑石文字珍贵的史料价值和书法
Lucky“迎宾员”  一只雪橇犬憨憨地趴在门口,看到我们进来有些激动,因为编辑也带了一只“中国田园犬”,所以两位警备开始,吵架的架势也摆了出来,但是店长出来后雪橇犬立马“翻脸”,变得乖巧起来。这只呆萌的雪橇犬叫“Lucky”,已经9个月大了,是酒店的“接待员”,脖子上挂着“勿喂我”,看来主人不希望它吃狗粮以外的食物。等我们办好入住手续后,它仍然眯着眼趴在门口的白色石子路上。  酒店的接待间,有吧
NO.1  美国纽约卓美亚艾舍酒店  酒店毗邻纽约中央公园,狗狗可以在这里打扮体面、尽情玩耍。酒店还专门设有宠物服务员,为宠物提供全天候的优质服务。当小狗们随主人在纽约游玩了一天之后,在小床上为它们铺上漂亮的羊毛毯,让小宠物在主人身边安享美梦。  此外,酒店还有对纽约了如指掌的咨询员,为客人介绍在城市中风景最美、最适合与爱犬散布的公园小径;提醒纽约市宠物相关立法,例如带狗出门,哪些地方必须要拴狗绳
遇见传奇  作为国内首家索菲特传奇品牌,选址在西安不足为奇。2009年索菲特传奇品牌绽放全球,并且对于选址有三大标准:在传奇的城市、有传奇的故事和人物。作为中国历史上建都朝代最多、时间最长的古都,将欧洲的品牌驻足在西安,也属实至名归。索菲特传奇品牌目前共有五家酒店,其它四家均由拥有历史悠久的大楼建成:Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi(河内)、Sofitel Legend
讀一首诗能造一个梦,看一场戏能造一个梦,而曼谷暹罗酒店本身就是一个梦。在这里,一切都被极度夸张,突然的高差变化,景观手法的室内化,强烈的黑白对比,空间序列效果的舞台化呈现,非比寻常的室内布局,昭告天下这是一间由景观建筑师设计的酒店。而这些手法,我不说你也一定猜得出是谁,业主请来的正是酒店界的神话Bill Bensley。这也正迎合了业主的需要,泰国最知名的演艺家族Sukosol几代的财富积累因这间
差不多每年的假期都会和丈夫选择去地中海度个假,这次老公选择了著名的位于安达卢西亚的太阳海岸,那是一个充满阿拉伯异域风情的地方,传奇的历史,有我最爱的大海,和另外两个最刺激我们兴奋点的地方:高尔夫和奢侈品购物。  这次我们选择火车旅行,而不是通常的自驾游。一路风景独好,大片大片的橄榄树在眼前飞驰而过,闻名于世的安达卢西亚橄榄油就在这里诞生,这里也是西班牙最大的橄榄种植地。  火车站出来,我们Your
進入21世纪,全球酒店业庆贺了第一个十年的迅猛发展期,中东奢华酒店的炫丽表演至今记忆犹新;现在,酒店业又在第二个十年中历尽洗礼,岁月蹉跎。虽然没有任何人、也没有任何跨国酒店集团能够主导酒店业发展的潮流,但全球经济的走向,世界主要地区与国家的政治社会安宁,以及金融财团不知疲倦的投资运作,却是各国酒店业盘整出新,不断发展的生命发动机。  在这些发动机中,工作最努力和最有成效的当属亚洲企业资本,他们从中