Characteristics of Underground Water Flow at Different Water Levels in Tianshengan Karst Area, Yunna

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liufengsheng
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Three tracing tests from the same injection point executed at low, medium, and high water levels in the karst aquifer near Tianshengan village, Lunan Stone Forest, Yunnan Province, China, have revealed the basic properties of underground water flow. They showed the general directions of water flows; tracer concentrations were observed at six successive points allowing for the calculation of apparent dominant flow velocities at these sections towards the Dalongtan karst spring. For the high water level, the discharge between single sections was between two and 10 times greater than that at low water level. For the medium water level, the flow velocity at different sections was between 1.4 and 3.7 times faster than that at low water level; and for high water level, it was between 1.3 and 2.7 times faster than that at medium water level. The fastest water flow appeared at the first section (23 cm/s at medium water level); and the slowest (0.6 cm/s at low water level) appeared where water flow must cross the Tianshengan fault (north–south direction), and later, a layer of 20–30 m thickness of quartz sandstone and shale clay-stones. It was also possible to calculate the recovery of the tracer for point 4, Dakenyan, where discharge was measured. At the medium water level, 50% of the injected tracer was detected a half-day after its first appearance and at low water level after more than 3 days. The previously published research illustrates the transport velocities of possible contaminants and their solubilities in water at different hydrological conditions. Three tracing tests from the same injection point executed at low, medium, and high water levels in the karst aquifer near Tianshengan village, Lunan Stone Forest, Yunnan Province, China, have showed the basic properties of underground water. of water flows; tracer concentrations were observed at six successive points allow for the calculation of apparent dominant flow velocities at these sections towards the Dalongtan karst spring. For the high water level, the discharge between single sections was between two and 10 times greater than that for the medium water level. the the flow velocity at different sections was between 1.4 and 3.7 times faster than that at low water level; and for high water level, it was between 1.3 and 2.7 times faster than that at medium water level. The fastest water flow occurred at the first section (23 cm / s at medium water level); and the slowest (0.6 cm / s at low water level) where water flow was cross the Tianshengan fault (north-south direction), and later, a layer of 20-30 m thickness of quartz sandstone and shale clay-stones. It was also possible to calculate the recovery of the tracer for point 4, Dakenyan, At the medium water level, 50% of the injected tracer was detected a half-day after its first appearance and at low water level after more than 3 days. The previously published research shows the transport velocities of possible contaminants and their solubilities in water at different hydrological conditions.
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