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每一次走进清原那片山水,眼前便出现这样的场景:烽火中,一群人从那片野性的远山,高唱着“起来,起来”的歌声走来。待缓过神来,满眼的青山绿水,哪有什么人和歌声?我知道,这是铭记内心深处的那段历史又活了。往往这时,眼里便噙满了泪水,不能自已。我是说,1931年“九一八”事变后,仅一个月时间,清原籍人孙铭武、孙铭宸等抗日志士,便“拉”起了东三省第一支抗日队伍——血盟救国军,开始了杀敌灭倭的殊死战斗,同时也唱响了那首“起来,起来”的军歌。今年暮春时节,山野已是绿肥红瘦,只有槐花还开着,弥散着淡淡的幽香。我 Every time I walked into the landscape of Qingyuan, a scene appeared in front of me. In the midst of the flames, a group of people came singing from the wild mountainous mountains and singing “Up, Up, Up.” To be relieved, full of mountains, how can there be people and singing? I know, it is bearing in mind that the history of the heart and live again. Often at this time, eyes full of tears, can not own. I mean, only one month after the Incident of September 18, 1931, anti-Japanese clerics such as Sun Mingwu and Sun Mingchen of the Qing nationality played the first anti-Japanese contingent in the three northeast provinces - The army started the desperate battle of killing the enemy and killing Japan, and at the same time it sang the military song “Up and Up”. Late spring of this year, the mountain is green and thin, only the Sophora japonica is still open, with a faint fragrance. I
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哪个奔三儿的姑娘没有几个为她操劳婚事的大妈啊?这不,刚刚Pass掉几个她们口中的“准Mr Right”又一个“绝对适合你”W携山雨而来。说来惭愧,作为一名曾经追求者过多导致挑花