
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:life11231
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从1999年起,我们在全省范围内采取目标管理、层层签订责任书、平时考核与年末考评相结合的机制,并每年安排150万元兑现奖惩。现在已签订到所有地州市县,1443个乡镇(占全省乡镇数的93%),以及民族关系协调任务较重的村委会、街道办事处、厂矿企业。从2003年起,每年安排1000万元资金,在影响民族团结稳定隐患比较突出的重点、难点、热点地区建立了一批”民族团结示范点”。 Since 1999, we have adopted targeted management across the province, signed a letter of responsibility at various levels, and usually examined the mechanism of combining examination with the year-end assessment. We also arranged for annual rewards and punishments of 1.5 million yuan. It has now signed 1443 townships and townships (accounting for 93% of the total number of towns and townships in all prefectures and counties), as well as village committees, subdistrict offices and factories and mines with heavy coordination of ethnic relations. Since 2003, 10 million yuan of funds have been allocated each year. A number of “demonstration sites for national unity” have also been set up in key and difficult areas and hot spots that affect the stability and unity of the ethnic groups.
心灵不在它生活的地方,但在它所爱的地方。 The soul is not where it lives, but where it's loved.
一、Office 97网页制作工具一览 在Office 97中除了Outlook之外的所有组件中均安排了制作网页的功能。其中Word 97有两种制作网页的方法,一种是利用Web页向导制作网页,另一种
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