
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的:探讨妇产科消毒灭菌管理中存在的问题,提出有效的对策,提高消毒灭菌质量。方法:在医院院感科的牵头下,妇产科专门设定院感质控医生和护士,并建立消毒灭菌管理小组对妇产科的管理工作进行检查,根据检查结果分析妇产科消毒灭菌管理中存在的问题,并提出建设性建议。结果:医院普遍存在消毒灭菌管理规章制度落实不到位、医护人员预防感染意识薄弱、消毒器械使用不规范、消毒灭菌相关知识掌握不全面和消毒灭菌效果监测不规范等情况。结论:妇产科是医院感染的高风险科室,消毒灭菌管理是预防医院感染的主要措施,只有加强消毒灭菌管理,提高消毒灭菌工作质量,才能有效降低妇产科的感染率。 Objective: To discuss the problems in the management of obstetrics and gynecology sterilization and put forward effective countermeasures to improve the quality of disinfection and sterilization. Methods: Under the lead of hospital and hospital sensory department, obstetrics and gynecology specialized set up quality control doctors and nurses, and set up disinfection and sterilization management team to check the management of obstetrics and gynecology. According to the results of the examination, Sterilization management problems, and put forward constructive suggestions. Results: The prevalence of hospital disinfection and sterilization rules and regulations are not in place, health care workers to prevent infection awareness is weak, non-standard use of disinfection equipment, disinfection and sterilization related to incomplete knowledge and disinfection and sterilization monitoring of non-standard and so on. Conclusion: Obstetrics and Gynecology is a high risk department of hospital infection. Disinfection and sterilization management is the main measure to prevent nosocomial infection. Only by strengthening the management of disinfection and sterilization and improving the quality of disinfection and sterilization could we effectively reduce the obstetrics and gynecology infection rate.
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目的 探讨自制载氧化铁高分子微球(Fe3O4/PLGA)联合高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)对兔VX2乳腺癌消融效果的影响.方法 双乳化法制备载Fe3O4的高分子微球.建立兔VX2乳腺癌模型32只,于肿瘤接种后14d,随机分为4组,第1组实验兔给予单纯HIFU辐照;第2、3、4组在HIFU辐照前,距肿瘤中心约3 mm处,经肿瘤3、6、9、12点钟方向,分别注入生理盐水、PLGA、Fe3O4/PLGA共0