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《王氏拙政园书画册》完成于明嘉靖十二年癸巳(1533年),绢本设色,纵26.4厘米,横30.5厘米。作者是明代著名山水画家文徵明。拙政园地处明苏州城东北界,是王献臣官场失意的退隐之所。王献臣,字敬止,号槐雨。弘治六年(1493年)举进士,弘治八年擢御史,因为人刚正、执法严明而得罪东厂,受到排挤报复,连遭贬谪。王献臣从政治纷争中抽身而出,取晋代潘岳《闲居赋》中“灌园鬻蔬,以供朝夕之膳…… ”Wang’s Humble Administrator’s Garden Book of Paintings and Calligraphy“ was completed in the Ming Jiajing twelve years Gui Si (1533), silk color, vertical 26.4 cm, horizontal 30.5 cm. The author is famous Ming Dynasty landscape painter Wen Zhengming. Humble Administrator’s Garden is located in the northeastern sector of Ming Suzhou City, Wang Xianchen official frustration of retirement. Wang Xianchen, the word respect, number Huaiyu. Hongzhi six years (1493) cite Scholars, Hongzhi eight years imperial censor, because people just, law enforcement and slander east plant, subject to repudiation, even being relegated. Wang Xianchen withdraw from the political strife out, take Jin Yue Pan Yue ”Free Fu“ in the ”irrigation garden vegetables, for daily meals ... ...
Hallux rigidus occurs mainly at the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint,causing localized pain and degenerative arthritis.1 This condition frequently occurs t
Background Epidemiological studies have shown that lycopene has anti-prostate cancer effect.In vitro tests also confirmed that it can promote apoptosis of prost
目的了解温州市居民碘营养水平,为碘缺乏病防制提供依据。方法采用多阶段抽样方法,抽取温州市11个县(市、区)居民家庭3 300户、8~10岁儿童2 200人、孕妇1 100人,按照GB/T 130