Influence of Soaking Temperature on Microstructure of Multi-pass Compression Deformation for Low Car

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xjj
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The influence of soaking temperature on microstructure of high temperature multi-pass compression deformation for two low carbon steels(steel A:w_C=0.032%and w_(Mn)=0.25%;steel B:w_C=0.165%and w_(Mn)=0.38%)is studied on the thermal-mechanical simulator in order to rationalize the hot-rolling schedule of low-carbon steel and to promote the low-temperature heating technology.The results show that the microstructures of steel A are almost not affected by reducing soaking temperature,but the acicular ferrite forms in steel B when the soaking temperature is reduced from 1 200 to 1170℃,due to its smaller initial austenite grain size according to recrystallization kinetics theory. The influence of soaking temperature on microstructure of high temperature multi-pass compression deformation for two low carbon steels (steel A: w_C = 0.032% and w_ (Mn) = 0.25%; steel B: w_C = 0.165% and w_ (Mn) 0.38%) is studied on the thermal-mechanical simulator in order to rationalize the hot-rolling schedule of low-carbon steel and to promote the low-temperature heating technology. The results show that the microstructures of steel A are almost not affected by reducing soaking temperature, but the acicular ferrite forms in steel B when the soaking temperature is reduced from 1 200 to 1170 ° C, due to its smaller initial austenite grain size according to recrystallization kinetics theory.
套头衫、牛仔裤、运动鞋,36氪创始人、CEO刘成城给人的感觉,就是一个刚走出校门的大学生。  的确,刘成城年仅28岁。但年轻的他2010年毕业于北京邮电大学的通信工程专业,此后进入中科院大学攻读硕士学位。刘成城是民主建国会会员,同时也是亚杰商会的会员,曾在2013年被评为福布斯“30位30岁以下创业者”。  高中逃学去创业  刘成城1988年出生于江苏省盐城一个很普通的家庭,母亲是老师,父亲是个体
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