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樊云芳:每一天都要当节日过樊云芳,光明日报高级记者。1991年获得第一届“范长江新闻奖”。整个80年代是樊云芳新闻事业的辉煌时期。她不知疲倦地奔波在采访途中,倾听时代强音,感受心灵变化,记录中国前进的一个个脚步。业绩给樊云芳带来荣誉:全国三八红旗 Fan Yunfang: Every day must be a holiday Fan Yunfang, Guangming Daily senior reporter. In 1991 won the first “Fan Changjiang News Awards.” The entire 80’s is Fan Yunfang’s glorious period of journalism. She tirelessly rushed to the interview, listening to the strong voice of the times, feeling the changes in her mind and documenting China’s progress. Fan Yunfang performance to bring honor: March 38 red flags
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