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介绍了碎石桩、强夯置换两种工程常用的山区高填方地基的处理方式。为了解不同地基处理方式下,山区机场高填方边坡的稳定性,采用强度折减有限元法及对比研究的手段对昆明新机场79-79′工程地质剖面处边坡的稳定性进行分析,而且将强度折减有限元与简化Bishop方法的计算结果进行对比。另外,对土体强度参数未折减时,不同地基处理方式下的边坡位移及剪应变也进行比较。结果表明:用碎石桩或强夯置换处理坡脚内地基的相对软弱土层,不仅能有效提高边坡安全系数,还能大幅度减小边坡的最大剪应变与最大位移;当边坡的最危险滑移面接近圆弧形时,强度折减有限元法与简化Bishop法计算所得安全系数与最危险滑移面均接近,且强度折减有限元法计算的安全系数略偏小,偏于安全;当中风化基岩上方覆盖土层深度大于强夯置换的有效处理深度时,用碎石桩处理原地基效果更优。 The disposal methods of high embankment in mountainous area, which are commonly used in two projects of gravel pile and dynamic compaction replacement, are introduced. In order to understand the stability of high embankment slope in mountainous area under different ground treatment methods, the stability of slope at 79-79 ’engineering geological section of Kunming new airport was analyzed by means of strength reduction finite element method and comparative study , And the strength reduction FEM is compared with the simplified Bishop method. In addition, when the soil strength parameters are not reduced, the slope displacement and shear strain under different foundation treatment methods are also compared. The results show that the replacement of the weak soil foundation with the replacement of stone columns or dynamic compaction can not only improve the safety factor of slope but also reduce the maximum shear strain and maximum displacement of slope greatly. When the most dangerous slip surface is nearly arc-shaped, the safety factor calculated by the strength reduction finite element method and simplified Bishop method are close to the most dangerous slip surface, and the safety factor calculated by strength reduction finite element method is slightly smaller, Biased to safety; when overlying weathered bedrock cover depth of soil is greater than the effective depth of replacement by dynamic compaction, using the gravel pile to treat the original foundation is better.
壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚(Nonylphenol Ethoxylates,NPnEO,n为聚合度)是一种非离子表面活性剂,性质稳定,应用广泛。其进入水体后的主要降解产物壬基酚及其低聚物NP1EO、NP2EO等具有难