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根据国家科委14项技术政策规定:加速节能技术改造,限期淘汰效率低的高耗能设备,禁止生产和使用低效耗能设备。国务院又曾以87—2号命令限期停止使用并更换高耗能的电阻降压式多头焊机和旋转式直流弧焊机。已列为国家12大耗能产品之一的电焊机,年耗电量估计不低于15亿度。例如制造一艘万吨级油轮,因焊接耗电就达60余万度,然而目前我国造船工业中,绝大多数船厂仍在使用高能耗的旋转式直流弧焊机,其拥有量超过焊机总占有量的50%。为此,东海电焊机厂1988年根据浙江省机 According to the State Science and Technology Commission 14 technical policies and regulations: accelerate energy-saving technological transformation, the deadline elimination of inefficient high-energy-consuming equipment, prohibit the production and use of inefficient energy-consuming equipment. The State Council once again ordered to stop using 87-2 orders and replace the energy-saving resistance step-down multi-head welding machine and rotary DC arc welding machine. Has been listed as one of the 12 major energy-consuming products welding machine, the estimated annual power consumption of not less than 1.5 billion degrees. For example, to manufacture a 10,000-ton oil tankers, it consumes more than 600,000 kilowatt-hours of power because of welding. However, at present, the vast majority of shipyards in China are still using rotary DC arc welders with high energy consumption. The total amount of 50%. To this end, Tokai welding machine factory in 1988 according to Zhejiang Province machine
我国古代哲学家认为,在宇宙间的一切事物中,都存在着两大对立面,称为“阴阳”。把存在的金水木火土五种物质,认为是世界万物的起源。从而说明阴阳是 Ancient Chinese philos
近年来,中铁二十二局哈建公司在桥梁施工中积极抢占施工技术制高点,通过组织科技攻关,推广运用新技术、新工艺,使企业 In recent years, the construction company of Twent
Q3110Ⅰ型抛丸清理滚筒的叶片是由8个M16内四方紧定螺钉固定在叶纶上的。滚筒工作时,螺钉内方孔很快被铁砂打圆。在更换叶片时,由于扳手无法借力,导致螺钉拆卸困难。 经过试
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