认真练好会计基本功 怎样选择“电划”与“邮划”

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“异地托收承付”是工商企业常用的一种结算方式,它分为“电划”与“邮划”两种,如果选择得当,对于加速企业资金周转,节约费用开文都是有益的。在实际工作中可以下列公式进行计算选择: 托收金额×(单邮程天数-1)×日利息率-(电划费用-邮划费用) 计算结果无非三种情况: 1、当计算结果大于0时,说明采用“电划”比“邮划”既可以加速资金周转,又可以节约费用; 2、当计算结果等于0时,说明采用“电划”比“邮划”可以在不增加费用开支的基础上,加速资金周转; “Off-site collection and obligation” is a common settlement method used by industrial and commercial enterprises. It is divided into two types of “telecution plan” and “postal plan”. If it is selected properly, it is beneficial to accelerate the turnover of the company’s funds and save expenses. . In the actual work, the following formulas can be used for calculation and selection: Collection amount × (days of single postal day-1) × day rate of interest-(transfer fees-schedule expenses) The calculation results are nothing more than three cases: 1. When the calculation result is greater than At 0:00, it is indicated that the use of “electricity transfer” compared with “postal transfer” can both accelerate the turnover of funds and save costs; 2. When the calculation result is equal to 0, it means that the use of “electricity transfer” can be compared with “postal transfer” without increasing the cost. Expenditures on the basis of expenditures to accelerate capital turnover;
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没有智慧的头脑,就象没有腊烛的灯笼。——托尔斯泰知识是一种快乐,而好奇则是知识的萌芽。——培根古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚 The mind without wisdom is lik
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◆政策背景  一般反避税在我国尚属较新的领域,2008年新《企业所得税法》才开始引入一般反避税条款。目前,《企业所得税法》及其实施细则与《特别纳税调整实施办法(试行)》(国税发[2009]2号)等法律法规提供了一般反避税管理的原则性规定,但是至今尚缺乏一套全面、综合的管理办法来规范各地税务机关的操作流程和执行标准。  2014年11月16日,国家主席习近平在澳大利亚布里斯班举行的G20领导人第九次