
来源 :现代商业银行 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjzshiyijshan
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中央领导最近指出:对不同所有制的中小企业,要按市场经济的原则,只要是效益好的,都要积极地给以信贷支持。当前我们在保持国民经济适度增长,应付亚洲金融危机的冲击,扩大内需、启动市场等方面,取得了令人瞩目的成效。然而,能否继续保证整个宏观经济改革目标的实现,保持国民经济均衡可持续发展,支持、扶植广大中小企业微观市场主体的健康发展,已到了不容忽视的地步,特别是商业银行的基层行有效拓展中小企业信贷市场,更应尽快提出日程。 Central leaders recently pointed out: For SMEs with different ownership systems, they should actively give credit support in accordance with the principle of a market economy as long as they are effective. At present, we have made remarkable achievements in maintaining a moderate growth of the national economy, coping with the impact of the Asian financial crisis, expanding domestic demand and starting the market. However, whether we can continue to ensure the realization of the objective of the macroeconomic reform, maintain a balanced and sustainable development of the national economy, and support and foster the healthy development of the micro-market players in the majority of SMEs have reached a point where they can not be ignored. In particular, the grassroots banks in commercial banks are effective To expand the SME credit market, more should be put forward as soon as possible.
高盛近3亿美元收购养猪场,每年可实现利润约3亿元人民币,利润率超过15%。   国际著名投行高盛近期斥资近3亿美元在湖南、福建一带大手笔全资收购养猪场的事件,让国内投资者大跌眼镜。   “中国的农业是个很好的概念,但资本可以进入的领域并不多。从全球的范围看,很多大资金都去买地,但那在中国这不太可能,养殖业是资本切入农业的很好的点。”独立经济学家谢国忠告诉记者。   猪肉价格一年多来的猛涨使养猪有利
主持人: 我现在珠海市某物资贸易进出口公司工作,但该公司无人事权,档案全部存放在位于广州的上级单位广东省冶金工贸总公司。请问我的个人帐户应在哪里建立? Moderator: I
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