Changes in DNA Methylation Pattern at Two Seedling Stages in Water Saving and Drought-Resistant Rice

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wendell0408
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Recent studies revealed that DNA methylation plays an important role in plant growth and development. In this study, a water-saving and drought-resistant rice variety Huhan 3 was subjected to drought stress from tillering to grain-filling stages in six successive growth cycles. The variations in DNA methylation pattern between the original generation(G0) and the sixth generation(G6) were analyzed by using methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism method. The results revealed that the methylated loci accounted for 34.3% to 34.8% of the total loci. Among these methylated loci, 83.1% to 84.8% were full- and hyper-methylated and 15.2% to 16.9% were hemi-methylated. The DNA methylation level decreased from the three-leaf to four-leaf stages in Huhan 3. Differentially methylated loci(DML) between generations or/and between different developmental stages accounted for 4.0% of the total loci, most of which were only related to plant development(57.9%). Compared to G0, the DNA methylation pattern of G6 changed after drought domestication, at the three-leaf stage, de-methylation accounting for 59.1%, while at the four-leaf stage, re-methylation for 47.9%. Genome-wide alternations of DNA methylation were observed between the two seedling stages, and DML mainly occurred on the gene’s promoter and exon region. The genes related to DML involved in a wide range of functional biology and participated in many important biological processes. Recent studies revealed that DNA methylation plays an important role in plant growth and development. In this study, a water-saving and drought-resistant rice variety Huhan 3 was subjected to drought stress from tillering to grain-filling stages in six successive growth cycles. The variations in DNA methylation pattern between the original generation (G0) and the sixth generation (G6) were analyzed by using methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism method. The results revealed that the methylated loci accounted for 34.3% to 34.8% of the total loci. These methylated loci, 83.1% to 84.8% were full- and hyper-methylated and 15.2% to 16.9% were hemi-methylated. The DNA methylation level decreased from the three-leaf to four-leaf stages in Huhan 3. Differentially methylated loci ( DML) between generations or / and between different developmental stages accounted for 4.0% of the total loci, most of which were only related to plant development (57.9%). Compared to G0, the DNA methylatio n pattern of G6 changed after drought domestication, at the three-leaf stage, de-methylation accounting for 59.1%, while at the four-leaf stage, re-methylation for 47.9%. Genome-wide alternations of DNA methylation were observed between the Two seedling stages, and DML are mainly on the gene’s promoter and exon region. The genes related to DML involved in a wide range of functional biology and participated in many important biological processes.
目的: 观察护胃散对小鼠的急性毒性及其对胃排空的影响.方法: 以灌胃给药的方式评价护胃散的急性毒性对小鼠胃排空的影响,对阿托品引起胃排空减慢的影响以及对甲氧氯普胺引起
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目的 探讨血浆APN水平对冠状动脉病变程度及稳定程度的作用.方法 疑诊为CHD而行选择性冠脉造影的住院男性患者106例,分为4组,不稳定型心绞痛(UAP)组,稳定型心绞痛(SAP)组,心肌梗死组(MI)24例非冠心病对照组,脂联素测定用酶联免疫吸附测试法(ELISA法),常规操作造影后分别对右冠脉、左主干、左前降支、左回旋支管腔内径狭窄程度进行评价.根据1984年美国心脏协会制定的Gensini法