,Repulsive effects in steady axisymmetric fields

来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanggh20060363
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In this paper the repulsive effects in the Kerr and Kerr-Newman fields are discussed. The contributions made by all parameters of the fields and test particles to the repulsive effects are also discussed, and the accretive effect on interstellar dust, i.e. the distribution of dust is calculated. The discussion is also carried out on the slow rotation of the Kerr field in which the effect is related to the positions and velocities of the particles and the orientations of their trajectories as well.
爷爷今年75岁,总说:“饭后一支烟,赛过活神仙。”可是,吸入大量尼古丁对身体非常不好。我很担忧爷爷的健康,决定帮他戒烟。  先启动A计划:劝。我信心满满地走进爷爷的书房,盯着他手中的烟,迅速抽走了。爷爷猛地抬头,睁大眼睛望着我,像是受了惊的兔子:“你做什么呢?”  我斩钉截铁地说:“爷爷,您知道吗?烟中含有大量尼古丁,吸烟时会从呼吸器官流入肺部,严重伤害身体,会让人得肺病。”爷爷满不在乎,轻描淡写
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曾经,泪,是离我很远的一个字.每天,我和同学们一样,快乐地上学,快乐地玩耍,快乐地写作业……rn然而,从 2020 年 6 月 26 日早上开始,泪就与我形影不离了.