Microstructures and hardness of Ti-6Al-4V alloy staging castings under centrifugal field

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tsianyong
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By means of induction melting technology,Ti-6Al-4V alloy staging casting was made with the same rotation velocity and centrifugal radius.The effects of casting modulus on the grain size,the thickness of lamellarα+βphase,and the Vickers hardness,as well as the relationships between Vickers hardness,grain size and thickness of lamellarα+βphase were investigated.The results show that the greater the modulus,the larger the grain size and the thickness of lamellarα+βphase,and the less the Vickers hardness. The relationship between Vickers hardness and grain size meets the Hall-Petch equation:Hv=353.45+74.17 d G-1/2 .The relationship between the Vickers hardness and the thickness of lamellarα+βphase is expressed as Hv=2.45d2α+β-35.96d α+β+476.84. By means of induction melting technology, Ti-6Al-4V alloy staging casting was made with the same rotation velocity and centrifugal radius. The effects of casting modulus on the grain size, the thickness of lamellarα + βphase, and the Vickers hardness, as well as the relationships between Vickers hardness, grain size and thickness of lamellarα + βphase were investigated. The results show that the greater the modulus, the larger the grain size and the thickness of lamellarα + βphase, and the less the Vickers hardness. The relationship between Vickers hardness and grain size meets the Hall-Petch equation: Hv = 353.45 + 74.17 d G -1/2. The relationship between the Vickers hardness and the thickness of lamellarα + βphase is expressed as Hv = 2.45d2α + β-35.96d α + β + 476.84.
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