Rheological properties of wormlike micelles formed in the sodium oleate/trisodium phosphate aqueous

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Aqueous solution of anionic surfactant,sodium oleate(NaOA),was studied by means of steady-state shear rheology and dynamic oscillatory technique.The system of NaOA/Na_3PO_4 showed high viscosity,strong viscoelasticity and good ability of countering Ca~(2+),Mg~(2+).The Maxwell model and Cole-Cole plot were applied to study the dynamic viscoelasticity of wormlike micelles.The microstructures of the wormlike micelles were characterized by FF-TEM. Aqueous solution of anionic surfactant, sodium oleate (NaOA), was studied by means of steady-state shear rheology and dynamic oscillatory technique. The system of NaOA / Na_3PO_4 showed high viscosity, strong viscoelasticity and good ability of countering Ca ~ (2+) The Maxwell model and Cole-Cole plot were applied to study the dynamic viscoelasticity of wormlike micelles. The microstructures of the wormlike micelles were quality by FF-TEM.
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