
来源 :水土保持科技情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laowangtou2
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为了促进水土保持科学技术的进步,辽宁省科协组织水利、土壤、林学、畜牧兽医、气象等学会及自然辩证法研究会于三月二十二日至二十六日在绥中县联合召开了“辽宁省水土保持学术讨论会”.参加会议的共一百三十二人.这次讨论会有两个显著的特点:第一,会议由几个学会联合举办,吸引了多学科的科技人员都来关心水保工作.开创了水土保持学术交流活动的新局面.会议一个可喜的现象是,与水土保持有关的许多专业的技术人员都切身感到防治水土流失是关系到国计民生的大事,纷纷打破专业界限,积极探讨综合防治水土流失的问题,这对水土保持科技工作必将起到积极的作 In order to promote the progress of science and technology in soil and water conservation, the Association of Water Resources, Soil Science, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Meteorology and Natural Dialectics Research Association of Liaoning Provincial Association for Science and Technology jointly held a study in Suizhong County from March 22 to March 26 “Symposium on Soil and Water Conservation in Liaoning Province.” A total of 132 participants attended the conference.The symposium has two salient features: First, the conference was jointly organized by several societies and attracted multidisciplinary scientific and technical personnel Are concerned about the work of water conservation and created a new situation of academic activities for soil and water conservation.A gratifying phenomenon of the meeting is that many professional and technical personnel involved in soil and water conservation are personally aware of the importance of preventing and controlling soil and water loss, Professional boundaries, and actively explore the integrated control of soil and water loss issues, which will certainly play a positive role in water and soil conservation science and technology work
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