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当代西方主流绘画的发展、演变情况本身就是爆炸性的,在它发展的过程中存在着各种流派、各种思潮、各种评论,其情况十分复杂,我们不可能全面了解与把握。本文试图从发展年代说明当代西方主流绘画的流变过程,从五条线索分析它们的涵义。 一 流变过程 关于现代美术的涵义,汤文毕在1938年他的历史学著作中作出这样的结论:1900—1990年为现代,从二次世界大战后到现在为当代。当代可划分为三十年代(共产主义的年代)、四十年代(战争年代)、五十年代(美国大兴土木的年代)、六十年代(美国经济、政治全面繁荣的年代)、七十年代(是梦幻破灭的年代)。在这个历史阶段中,美术的原创性、作者的个人风格、评论的权威性以及三个主要理论基础是现代主义的代称。塞尚被称为现代派之父,但绘画发展到立体派之后才可称为现代主义。 The development and evolution of contemporary Western mainstream paintings are explosive in and of themselves. There are various schools of thought and various comments in their development. Their situation is very complicated and we can not fully understand and grasp it. This article attempts to explain the rheological process of contemporary Western mainstream painting from its developmental age and analyze its meaning from five clues. In a rhetorical process about the meaning of modern art, Tang Wen-bi made the following conclusions in his historical works of 1938: From 1900-1990 to modern times and since World War II until now. The contemporary can be divided into the thirties (the era of communism), the forties (the war years), the fifties (the era of thriving American civilizations), the sixties (the era of full economic prosperity of the United States), the seventies Is the era of dreams shattered). In this historical stage, the originality of art, the author’s personal style, the authority of the commentary, and the three main theoretical foundations are the representatives of modernism. Cezanne is known as the father of modernism, but painting can only be called modernism after its development to Cubism.
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