Study on Fluorescence Analytical Method of Micro Th in Pu

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdongjiang
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As one of impurities,Th is needed to be determined for control quality of Pu product.Due to the high radioactivity and fatal toxicity of Pu,it is very difficult to measure the micro Th in Pu product.It is necessary to develop a sensitive method for determining the micro Th in Pu under the described harsh condition. As one of impurities, Th is needed to be determined for control quality of Pu product. Due to the high radioactivity and fatal toxicity of Pu, it is very difficult to measure the micro Th in Pu product. It is necessary to develop a sensitive method for determining the micro Th in Pu under the described harsh condition.
本文对湖北省部分高校文献检索课开设情况的调查情况进行了汇总和分析,并提出了改进意见和建议。 This article summarizes and analyzes the investigation of the documen
目的制备苦参素磷脂复合物并对其体外抗乙肝病毒活性进行评价。方法利用四氢呋喃作为反应溶剂,苦参素及磷脂溶于溶媒中,真空除去有机溶剂得苦参素磷脂复合物。并以2.2.15 cel
目前世界上最黑的材料是碳纳米管丛。在这种材料中,碳纳米管像庄稼一样密密麻麻地垂直排布在某个表面上,当光照射进来时,就“迷失”在黑乎乎的“丛林”中。实验显示,它能吸收掉99.9999%的外来光线,堪称黑家伙之最。  但是你知道吗?这个黑家伙随时可以变作一面闪亮的镜子,而你要做的,不过是在其表面轻轻一捋。  最近,加拿大一位科学家用钨棒在毛茸茸的碳纳米管丛表面轻轻一捋,竟然发现,捋过的地方能反射10%