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应该是陈升说的:没有恨的爱不是爱,不回头的流浪不算流浪。我听了极认同,好像说到自己心里,给了沉闷如死的心灵狠命一击,八年前,读凯鲁亚克《在路上》正是这般情形。凯鲁亚克上来就写:“我同妻子离婚不久便第一次同狄安相遇。当时我正好大病初愈……它使我万念俱灰。就在这时狄安闯入我的生活,你可以说我生活在路上了。”到全书的最后,他依旧那样忧伤、孤独、凄凉地写:“不等夜色完全降临,笼罩河川、山峰,最后将海岸遮掩,给大地带来安宁,呈星就将渐渐隐没,向草原倾泻余晖。除了在孤独中悲惨地衰老下去,我相信,没有谁,没有谁会知道将会发生什么。” Should be Chen Sheng said: no hate love is not love, do not look back wandering is not stray. I listened very much like it, as if to say my heart, gave a dull soul blow, eight years ago, read Kerouac “on the road” is exactly such a situation. Kerouac wrote: “I first met Dion shortly after I divorced my wife, and at the time I was recovering from a serious illness ... It made me despair, and just then Dion broke into my life, you It can be said that I live on the road. ”“ To the end of the book, he is still so sad, lonely, desolately wrote: ”Waiting for the night completely come, shrouded rivers and mountains, and finally cover the coast to bring peace to the earth, The star will fade away and pour into the grasslands, except for the miserable aging in loneliness, I believe, no one knows who will happen.
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At the beginning of seven century B.C, as the conflicts between vassals were getting fierce, a bodyguard with force and courage was needed by the monarch of fe
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