Spreading the Word

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  Jennifer: OK, so we sent out some e-mails and got some more phone numbers. I wonder if Dad is still logged into MSN.
  Karol: Your dad uses MSN? I had no idea.
  Jennifer: Yeah I see him chatting with his friends when he is working back here sometimes. It is actually pretty funny to watch.
  Karol: Why?
  Jennifer: He gets so upset trying to do a lot of things together. ①When the computer is slow or he makes mistakes, steam starts rolling out of his ears. Oh good, he is still logged on.
  Karol: Does he have a lot of friends on there?
  Jennifer: More than I expected actually, about twenty-five or thirty.
  Karol: OK, so do we send a message to each of them, or what? I have never done this before.
  Jennifer: Well, we could and we could also post a 1)bulletin. Every one of his friends will be able to see a bulletin. Oh look, he just got a message from one of his friends named John. ②Should I get him in on the action?
  Karol: I think that is one of his colleagues. Let him know about the party and tell him to spread the word.
  Jennifer: Should I tell him to invite everyone or just the people that he thinks Dad would want to be there?
  Karol: That is a good question, I think just the people that your father would want.
  Jennifer: OK, he said he would be there. He will tell a few other people about it as well, but ③he is going to keep it on the down low.
  Karol: Great! So what about this bulletin thing you were talking about? How does that work?
  Jennifer: Well, the only problem is that if Dad looks at his bulletins he will see it. You can’t really hide it.
  Karol: That is a problem. Do you think your dad is smart enough to know that?
  Jennifer: Not really, and he is blind as a bat, so I doubt he will ever see it.
  Smart Sentences
  ① When the computer is slow or he makes
  mistakes, steam starts rolling out of his ears. 电脑运行慢或是出错什么的时候,他就会发火。
  steam comes/rolls out of sb.’s ears: sb. is very angry(非常生气)。例如:
  Steam coming out of his ears again? What got him now?
  ② Should I get him in on the action? 我请他帮忙这事怎么样?
  get/bring sb. in on the action: get sb. involved into sth.(让某人参与)。例如:
  I don’t want to get him in on the action; he does more talking than doing.
  ③ He is going to keep it on the down low. 他会保密的。
  on the down low: keeping an act, action or some other piece of information a secret(不让某事走漏风声,保密)。例如:
  The plan may not go through, so keep it on the down low for now.
6月高考,7月放榜,有人欢喜有人忧。考没考上理想大学是一回事;面对连年递增的高额学费,能否顺利入学又是另一回事。对于许多徘徊在大学门口的学子来说,与其被动担心付不起高学费,还不如趁着暑假拼搏拼搏,一方面打听奖学金、助学贷款的消息,一方面努力赚点学费生活费,减轻父母  负担。    我正在申请实习生职位。  I’m applying for intern positions.    我在一家饭店当兼
一天之中你和谁相处的时间最多?仔细一想,答案可能让你惊讶。是的,就是你的同事。同一屋檐下,每天8小时,抬头不见低头见。但是,同事真能成为朋友吗?这个问题也许让很多人有过困惑。我们希望的理想状态当然是同事之间能共处共事,亲密无间。可我们也清楚,职场友谊绝非普通友谊那么简单。你瞧,下文中的达娜也在犹豫着呢。    Dana: Hi, I’m home!  Max: Hi hun, how was wo
“有车族”三部曲之一——学车。回想当年学自行车的狼狈吧,要控制一辆汽车可比自行车难得多,尤其是,你还得顾着周围的人,而不单单是你自己。Randall在父亲的基础调教之后,随着专业的教练学习开车了。一开始,教练就和他约法三章。    Randall: Well, I’ve had one week of driving lessons with you, Dad. Do you think I’m
学有所成,自然要通过考试来检验。同样地,学车之后,考了驾照,才能说真正有了成为“有车族”的技术资本。考证也不是一件美事,很多人都有补考数次的经历。像Randall这样一次通过的还真是幸运呢,可能与他碰到的和蔼的考官有关吧。    Examiner: Good to see you got here nice and early. You must be very eager.  Randall:
他是《实习医生格雷》里的万人迷医生Dr. McDreamy;他是《魔法情缘》里外表严肃却内心澎湃的离婚律师;他是《新郎不是我》里为挽救错过的最爱而历经千辛万苦的“男伴娘”……Patrick Dempsey在人生四十岁关口才突然发力,凭借热门剧集《实习医生格雷》成为万众焦点,而后的几部浪漫爱情喜剧更奠定了他“梦幻情人”的地位,说他大器晚成一点不为过。  值得一提的是,这个近年来连续上榜“全球最美丽人
俗话说,新年新希望。在辞旧迎新之际总结过去、展望未来似乎是每个人都会做的事情。其实,计划有长短,愿望有大小,都需要我们脚踏实地,一步一脚印地去实现。于是,趁着一年伊始,不免要与读者们共勉,希望大家都能认认真真,真切掌握未来大计!    就个人来说,我觉得短期目标更重要。  Personally, I think that short term goals are more important.  
贤惠的妻子Karol计划为丈夫的生日准备一个派对,想要召集他的所有好友来参加,但这对她来说不是一件容易的事。没有电话?那就写信吧!可是地址从哪来呢?这一个又一个的问题,阻滞了Karol计划的进行,让她烦恼不已。    Jennifer: Hey Mom, what are you doing?  Karol: Oh, you scared me. I am planning a surprise
经过Karol和Jennifer的努力,以及John的帮助,生日派对如期举行,这让Dan惊喜不已。Karol也由此知道了网络的精妙之处,看来,她要好好给自己充充电,了解了解网络世界了。    John: Karol, what a wonderful party! Everyone seems to be   1)having a blast.  Karol: Thank you very muc
商务接待中,除了前期准备工作要求严格外,正式的接待工作也很有讲究。除了要表现出接待方的重视外,也要讲求一定的礼仪,以礼相待,以诚相见,这样才能出色地完成接待工作。    Danielle: It’s been great having you both here to get feedback on our progress, and you’ve given us all some great