
来源 :美术观察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyanruru
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1996年12月,全国第六次文代会在京召开,这是中国文艺界的一次盛会。在会议期间,我刊组织记者采访了部分与会美术家代表。接受采访的十四位代表,涵盖了美术门类的绝大部分领域:国画、油画、版画、漫画、雕塑及理论等。这些代表均在各自领域有所建树。他们总结了自己的创作经验和创作成果,分析了当代中国美术的发展情势,批评了当前美术创作中所存在的一些不良倾向。从各位代表所谈的内容来看,主要可以归纳为两个大的方面:一是艺术家要继续增强社会责任感,不断充实自己作品的精神内涵,创作出鼓舞人们健康向上、积极进取的好作品来;二是敦促艺术家要在艺术语言、表现手法上有独特的建树,既不能唯洋人是瞻,也不能唯古人之鼻息是仰。这对中国美术在今后的发展,颇具参考价值,相信艺术家读者能够从中吸收有益的思想,从而更好地把握住自己的发展方向,在即将到来的新世纪鼓动自己的艺术羽翼,纵情翱翔。在此,我刊编辑部谨向接受采访的各位美术家代表致以诚挚的谢意。 时值农历春节,我们编发了这一期民间美术专号。其用意并不仅仅是为增添节日的欢快气氛和喜庆色彩,我们还想借此机会,探讨一下古老的民俗艺术在新的历史时期怎样生存和发展。 用“博大深厚”四个字来形容民间美术,想必不会引起什么异议。民间美术一方? In December 1996, the sixth national congress of the country was convened in Beijing. This is a grand gathering of Chinese literary and art circles. During the meeting, I organized an interview with some journalists representing some of the participating artists. The 14 delegates interviewed covered most areas of art categories: Chinese painting, oil painting, printmaking, comics, sculpture and theory. All these representatives have made their contribution in their respective fields. They summed up their own creative experiences and creative achievements, analyzed the development of contemporary Chinese art and criticized some of the undesirable tendencies existing in current art creation. From what the delegates are discussing, the two main aspects can be summarized as follows: First, artists should continue to enhance their sense of social responsibility and constantly enrich the spiritual connotation of their works so as to create good works that inspire people to be healthy, progressive and proactive. ; Second, it urges artists to have unique achievements in artistic language and expression techniques. It is neither a matter of foreigners nor an expectation of the ancients. This is of great reference value to the development of Chinese art in the future and it is believed that the readers of the artists can absorb useful ideas from them so that they can better grasp their own development direction and instigate their own art wings and soar in the coming new century. Hereby, my editorial department would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the artist representatives interviewed. When the Chinese Lunar New Year, we made this issue of folk art special. Its purpose is not merely to add festive atmosphere and festive colors, but also to take this opportunity to explore how the ancient folk art lived and developed in the new historical period. Use “profound” four words to describe folk art, presumably will not cause any objection. Folk art party?
【摘 要】随着时代的发展和社会经济的进步,电网的安全运行关系着千家万户,进而变电运行安全管理也渐渐地成为日常工作的重中之重。本文简要介绍在变电运行工作中存在的危险点和安全隐患问题,并对问题进行分析,提出有效的解决方法和预防措施,希望可以提供一些有价值的参考意见。  【关键词】变电运行;危险点分析;安全隐患;解决措施  在日常工作中,变电运行值班人员面对的是运行中的设备,其电压、电流等级都超过人体所