Boosting the Expense and Performance of Ann/Hmm Approch for on-line Handwriting Recognition

来源 :High Technology Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyingldy
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This paper focuses on a state sharing method for an artificial neural network (ANN) and hidden Markov model (HMM) hybrid on line handwriting recognition system. A modeling precision based distance measure is proposed to describe similarity between two ANNs, which are used as HMM state models. Limiting maximum system performance loss, a minimum quantification error aimed hierarchical clustering algorithm is designed to choose the most representative models. The system performance is improved by about 1.5% while saving 40% of the system expense. About 92% of the performance may also be maintained while reducing 70% of system parameters. The suggested method is quite useful for designing pen based interface for various handheld devices. This paper focuses on a state sharing method for an artificial neural network (ANN) and hidden Markov model (HMM) hybrid on line handwriting recognition system. A modeling precision based distance measure is proposed to describe similarity between two ANNs, which are used as HMM state models. Limiting maximum system performance loss, a minimum quantification error tacking hierarchical clustering algorithm is designed to choose the most representative models. The system performance is improved by about 1.5% while saving 40% of the system expense. About 92% of the performance The suggested method is quite useful for designing pen based interface for various handheld devices.
1.从前,在大海里生活着一条快乐的美人鱼,她每天悠闲地在海里游弋,从来没有烦心事儿,每天脸上都挂着微笑。她很美丽,大海里的每一个居民都喜欢她,他们叫她人鱼公主。  2.有一天,海的北边王国有位王子出海航行,却遇上了大风浪。船被风浪掀翻,王子也落入了大海中。人鱼公主恰好经过,救了溺水的王子。王子非常英俊,美人鱼对他一见钟情。  3.人鱼公主将王子送到岸上,王子即将醒来。可是,人鱼公主看了看王子的双腿
(前奏板:基本板四遍,小锣两遍,转盘四遍,  小转两遍,基本板)  竹板一打响连声,欢乐的校园春意浓。  载歌载舞唱梦想,莘莘学子聚一堂。  各展才艺抒豪情,阳光路上阔步行。  新的时代新少年,肩负使命永向前。  (歌舞)  迎着太阳大步走,大步走(大步走),  带着欢笑手拉手(拉手)。  从小自信昂起头,昂起头(昂起头),  一路向前展歌喉(展歌喉)。  小伙伴 来加油(加油),  互帮互爱争上
近日,有媒体爆出吉利董事长李书福亲自上阵挖人,而被挖对象正是现任东风本田发动机工厂执行副总经理李春荣。  董事长亲自上阵挖人?高管跳槽竞争企业?此事一经爆出就引发了各界关注。目前吉利回应称,目前宝腾汽车业务负责人职位仍为空,一切以正式公告为准。  虽则这起挖人事件还未明朗,但历史上因为企业挖人带来的种种后续事件不胜枚举,有的企业自此走上发展路途的分水岭,有的“冲冠一怒为红颜”官司纠缠,还有由此掀起
婴幼儿丘疹型皮肤念珠菌病55例 ,年龄14天~3岁 ,病程2天~4个月。随机分成2组 :(1)采乐组30例 ,每天用采乐洗剂外洗1次每次根据皮损面积大小决定用药剂量 ,先用清水冲洗全身 ,取采乐洗剂涂在皮
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