
来源 :集邮博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:merry_leaf
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1981年10月30日,北京历史上第一个全市性的集邮协会正式成立,命名为北京市集邮协会。大会以无记名投票方式,选举产生了由马贵阳、刘国珍、成志伟、杜庆云、沈曾华、张关基、吴凤岗、吴铎云、郑德山9人组成的第一届理事会。当时不设常务理事会,理事会就是最高领导机构。北京市邮票公司经理、理事刘国珍兼任协会秘书长。北京市集邮协会的办公地点就设在邮票公司内。 On October 30, 1981, Beijing’s first city-wide philatelic association was formally established as the Beijing Philately Association. The assembly voted by secret ballot and elected the first council consisting of 9 members: Ma Guiyang, Liu Guozhen, Cheng Zhiwei, Du Qingyun, Shen Zenghua, Zhang Guanji, Wu Fengang, Wu Duoyun and Zheng Deshan. At that time, there was no standing council, and the council was the supreme governing body. Beijing stamp company manager, director Liu Guochen concurrently Secretary-General of the Association. Beijing Philatelic Association’s office is located in the stamp company.
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