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策划编辑,作为主动出击型的编辑,与以往传统意义的编辑,在职能上有了很大的不同。首先,策划编辑要从案头加工中超脱出来,把目光投向选题的策划与论证,从而有效地促进图书选题的优化。其次,策划编辑还要承担起包括成本预算、促销计划、售后追踪等几方面的任务。也就是说,策划编辑是选题的开发实施和运作的组织者。广东人民出版社社长廖晓勉认为:策划编辑处于图书出版的中心地位。策划编辑工作是一项从选题信息到图书成品销出的综合工程。策划编辑的职责要求他关注图书出版的全过程。首先,是在大量调查研究的基础上做好三个环节的论证工作:第一是书稿质量、作者情况、学术价值或实用价值、社会效益与经济效益等;第二是同类书的出版情况,读者对象、市场需求;第三是印制档次、成本预算、印数、定价、促销计划以及预测盈亏等。其次,是对选题的物化过程即组稿、编辑加工,版式设计、排校印制等工作的协调、督促与检查。最后是将图书推向市场的计划实施和对读者反馈信息的分析。 由此可见,作为在市场经济中应运而生的策划编辑,其素质要求自然要高于传统意义上的编辑。有人将策划编辑的素质概括为“一专 Planning editor, as a proactive type of editors, and the traditional editors of the past, in the function of a very big difference. First of all, the planning and editing should be detached from the desk processing, the sights on the planning and demonstration of topics, so as to effectively promote the optimization of the topics of books. Second, the planning editor also has to undertake the tasks including cost budget, promotion plan, after-sale tracking and so on. In other words, planning and editing is the organizer of the development and implementation of the selected topic. Liao Xiaomian, president of Guangdong People’s Publishing House, said: Planning and editing is at the center of book publishing. Planning and editing work is a comprehensive project from the selection of information to the finished book sales. Planning and editing responsibilities require him to pay attention to the whole process of book publishing. First of all, it is based on a large number of investigations and studies to prove the work of the three aspects: The first is the quality of manuscripts, the author’s situation, academic or practical value, social and economic benefits, etc .; the second is the publication of similar books, Readers target, market demand; the third is the print grade, cost estimates, impressions, pricing, promotional plans and forecast profit and loss. Second, it is to coordinate, supervise and inspect the materialized process of the selected topic, that is, group draft, editing and processing, layout design, printing on line. Finally, the implementation of the plan to bring books to the market and the analysis of feedback from readers. Thus it can be seen that, as a planned editor who emerges in a market economy, its quality requirements are naturally higher than those in the traditional sense. Some people will be planning the quality of editing summed up as "a college
上一辑阿亡先生在来稿中要求公布《沈周年谱》审读记录。经过一番周折,我们终于查到原件。谨刊如下。 阿昌、阿亡的争论,不料引起了读者朋友的关注,编辑部收到了一批来稿。现
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坏男人的厌倦,也是他心里的魔鬼。如果他真是厌倦了蛋糕,即使那蛋糕做得再美轮美奂,也无法唤起他的兴趣。比起已知的蛋糕,他更想去尝尝未知的蛋卷。 The boredom of a bad m