
来源 :国外医学:护理学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangtietie
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<正> 新加坡中央医院是新加坡最大的综合医院,有170多年的历史,作为新加坡医疗的砥柱,承担了大量的医疗任务。年门、急诊量达75万余人次,年门诊、住院手术量达6万余人次,而平均住院天数只有5.68d。在与当地其他医院一样面临医务人员短缺这一难题的同时,中央医院是如何重视服务素质教育提供高质量服务的呢?笔者在新加坡进修学习的2年当中,参与了新加坡中央医院在此方面所采取的一些做法,认为对国内医院提高服务质量很有参考价值,现介绍如下。
Being familiar with characteristics of industrial town effluents from various wastewater treatment units, which have high qualitative and quantitative variation
Nowadays, with regard to environmental issues, proper operation of wastewater treatment plants is of particular importance that in the case of inappropriate uti
Rising Groundwater in Oued-Souf valley is result to errors committed by human in their interventions on the ecosystems and the mismanagement of this resource, w
The installation of a purification unit since 2008 in the village of Thiakhar has improved the physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of the water supply.
Madagascar wrote a fundamentally new Water Code in 1998. It focused on maximizing the number of people with access to clean water through a process of decentral
Raw water from the Yantian Reservoir in Southern China was used for this study. Several process parameters of biofiltration, temperature, media, empty bed conta